Back To Reality

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It's been a couple of days since we got back and I have to say that living on a tour bus will take a bit of getting used to. We have a two day stretch till we get to our next flight. We start in Australia so it's been a hell of a Journey so far. Thank God we had the Maldives breaking it up. The bus is pretty much our only space for these two days and it's......a  bit cramped to be blunt. Everyone on top of everyone, no real privacy. For example only this morning poor tomo caught an eyeful as he came in the tiny bathroom desperate for a pee, not realising I was mid shower. Poor croatian never stood a chance. His face was hot enough to cook off God love him. The guys have been used to just the guys before so I guess it will be a bit different with more there. I did. Offer to travel myself or with the crew but the guys wouldn't have any of it. I have a bunk to myself which is a new experience to me. I think I would liken it to a coffin, if I had to describe it. It's small and boxy. To be fair I nearly had a panic attack when I went in it the first time. But as usual Jared was there to calm me down. Funnily enough it didn't seem all so cramped when he climbed in beside me and snuggled up, it felt just the right size. Tensions are high at the moment as we have no privacy on the bus. I know Jared's getting antcy as has snapped at tomo and shan already. God help us when we get to Australia as we have a hotel booked. I better get a head start and run for my life.
The bus is incredibly quiet when u come down front. Tomo is snoring on one seat, Shannon is watching a movie with headphones on and gives me a head nod and sticks his tongue out and Jared has his head stuck in his laptop as usual. I'm so bored right now I'm feeling mischievous. The other two are at Seperate seating bits out of sight from us so I decide to noise Jay up. I deliberately lean over him to get my magazine, my top riding up slightly as my side brushes his hand. I see him grip the laptop just a bit tighter and I'm sure I heard him take a sharpish intake of breath. I try not to giggle as I sit in the seat opposite him. I put my magazine up to fake read so I don't have to look at him as im sure I Will laugh. I stretch my legs out crossing them under the table onto his lap. My toes brush just subtly across the soft fabric at the crotchof his leggings and I swear he nearly jumps out the chair. "baby.... What are u up to".....
I feign ignorance, continuing to read, or pretending to. Hes getting flustered and I know for a fact he's reacting. I feel him growing hard near my legs and he's blushing big time and squirming. Time to move it up a notch.
"God it's warm on the bus this morning baby, don't u think?" I say as I pull my top off so I just have a clingy vest underneath. I know it's not warm and the bus AC soon has my nipples confirming this. That's it, he loses it and grabs me quietly taking me back to the bunks. The curtains drawn before I get a chance to laugh at the state of him. Hes so annoyed and so horny he grabs me from behinds pulling my top down just enough to palm my breasts, rolling my hard nipples in those calloused fingers of his I love so much. He bites at my neck, whispering slowly how bad I've been and how I'm gonna pay. I can feel him hard against my ass and I have to admit that I am enjoying having got him to this state. I reach back and rub his length through the thin material his breath hitches at my ear and I hear a low growl. He leans leans back and peeks out the curtain. Tomo still sleeping and shan has nodded off at the movie still with his headphones on. Jay is back in a flash and has me in the bunk before I can react. "quick and quiet shortcake, you got me"... His eyes are dark and full of lust and his heart is racing. I just nod and pull him closer. We kiss with a new passion, an urgency and only the necessary clothes are removed or pulled to the side. It's hard and fast and we fuck with a new energy, hard to think we could be any closer but being apart physically recently has just intensified everything. We are panting for breath as Jared cums noisily, shouting my name. "what happened to quiet stud?" I say breathlessly, chuckling
He just laughs as he collapses beside me, trying to catch his breath. "fuck jazz, I'm clearly not back to full health yet, just as well I have my personal nurse on staff now huh".... I swat him on the chest laughing,,. Freezing as the curtain to the bunk area gets pulled back and Shannon shouts up "whats so funny back here, I took my headphones off and all i can hear is you too." Jared clears his throat trying too talk normally "hear us? What did u hear?" Shannon replies "just laughing..... Why what should I have heard..... Awww man..... Seriously dudes.. You better not be fuckin on the bus. You Know the rules Jay. No fuckin on the bus... You made the rule up"
Jared is losing it laughing by this point, with his face in the pillow so I compose myself and say... "hey shan... We would never break the rules, you know me, goody two shoes.... Cmon dude." . He seems to buy this and disappears to get some food. Jared re-emerges from the pillow wiping his eyes. "Jared Joseph leto that was shocking" I say laughing just as he did. He Feigns surprise saying "oh baby I Will need to watch you, you fibbed way too well to him there haha."
We snuggled up after we had calmed down and composed ourselves and next thing I knew we were pulling in too the hotel parking lot..... Time for the next stage of this crazy adventure......

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