Grumpy Old Men

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So the tours in full swing by now, guys are doing well, hitting every show full on. With the healthy diet, exercise and massage programme they have been keeping in shape for. Most of the time. Just the usual moans and groans. Shannon has preexisting injuries so he's been niggling lately about his shoulder. Tomo is lovesick as Vicki left Australia for work commitments back home so he's not the happiest chap right now and Jared well.... What can I say. He might be keeping in shape from injuries but Mr workaholic has done his usual. Burning the candle at both ends, trying to keep everyone happy and the usual stress cold has hit him like a ton of bricks. So I'm stuck on a bus with three cranky middle aged dudes and I'm going to go crazy.
We have a stretch of driving for two days so we are all pretty much suffering cabin fever. Tomo not a bit of bother but he's so depressed he's just lying in his bunk face timing Vicki or hanging up front with Johnno. Shannon is just crabbit. He can't get comfy, I can't properly massage him on the bus and when we stop tomorrow for a rest and practice session at a local studio I've told him he can't drum. So he's stormed off watching a movie up back with his headphones on, but not before giving me a mouthful of abuse first. Anyone would think I had hurt his goddamn shoulder.
And the boss man, love of my life...... Well he's reverted to the frickin joker I think. Hes so loaded with the cold I've told him to rest his voice so when he does talk it's all low and gravelly and I think he does it just to freak me out. Hes dosed up in all the homeopathic things  I could shove down his throat. I would quite happily tranquilise all three of them right now for a bit of peace.
I take a hot hot shower and then sit up front listening to music just watching the world go by.
I'm away in a dream when I hear scuffling behind me. I turn around and I swear had to bite my lip to stop laughing. The three of them are stood like naughty schoolboys, heads hung, waiting on my reaction. Shannon mumbles some half assembled apology and shoves a cake in my direction, tomo gives me a hug and promises to cheer up and Jared plonks a hot cup of tea down for me, with a guarantee that he will rest up and do what he's told. I graciously accept all offerings and shoo them away, giggling to myself as to how I have managed to become alpha female in one day. I settle back in peace listening to the music while enjoying my tea and cake, watching the world whizz by outside. I must've nodded off as I stir when I feel Jay cautiously taking the teacup away from me. "mmmmm hey sniffles... How you feel baby"
He sniffs for added effect and shoves his snotty hanky in his jeans. "not bad hunni but still pretty weak. I'm gonna just bring this blanket up here and lie with you if it's okay."
"of course it is Jay. Come get some loving  from your personal nurse"
"I don't wanna give you the cold though shortcake"
"me... If I'm gonna get it I will get it.... I've built up quite a good immunity though working with the sick for so long so don't fret".
He comes and coories in and I can feel the heat from him. Oh I'm gonna need to get him some meds, but before I can move I hear the gentle snore that alerts me he's out already. I sit snuggled in for a whole but manage to scoot out and settle him more comfortably with me gone. I set about checking the stock I have seen as I've used a fair bit already. I make a list of stuff to get at our next stop and check the provisions on the bus too, like our food, water etc.  The guys are good at eating it but not so much at replacing it. Leave it to Shannon and tomo and the bus would be full of candy. Leave it to Jay and it would be all almond milk and tofu. A good mix is needed for us all to be catered for. We have a rest stop coming up with a hotel so I can get Jay settled in a bed, give Shannon a decent massage and tomk can have some privacy to call Vicki. I will do the shopping too while they are all settled for the night.
I try and tidy round the bus and pack what Jay and I will need for the hotel stay, including any meds and oils needed. I get shan and tomo to pack too so that when we get there we don't waste valuable comfort time. Johnno needs a good rest in a decent bed too so it will be good for everyone to get parked up ASAP.
I've not told Jay or shan but constance is flying out soon to meet up. Tomo knows but is sworn to secrecy. Vicki has been helping her to plan it as she has all the itinerary for tomo. I know they are missing her. They think she flew home after the Maldives but she stayed on for a holiday and toured a bit too. She lands in two days when we reach the next arena point and I'm so excited to see her. We have been keeping in touch which is amazing for me. I don't have anyone now back home so to have a family bond is heartwarming. She has welcomed me as a daughter even though we are not married yet. I'm hoping we can start to discuss the wedding when she's here. I've been so busy as has Jared we haven't really had a chance so far..........

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