Sniffles And Sneezes

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So yeah..... It happened..... I caught bossmans cold. Just typical. All those years working around sick folk and I catch the common cold. Can't believe it. Things aren't too bad though as it's a massive gig scheduled next so there's a full medical crew on staff at the stadium so I can pretty much just fangirl backstage over my gorgeous man. Saying that I might not have the strength. I think cos ive always been pretty healthy it's hit me harder than Jay. Hes feeling better now thanks to the rest and meds. Still croaky but he thinks it's adding a cool sexy touch to his voice. Ass hole. I've told him to only sing/talk when he has to seen as it's such a big gig.
"hey jasmine. You need anything before we go to sound check sweetie". I just kinda grunt from the bunk, half asleep but just feeling dreadful. For whatever reason unknown to any of us it's hit me harder and I been throwing up too. It's left me pretty drained but I guess it's just all the running around after everyone it's took the wind out my sails. Jared's been brill considering he is still a bit weak and tomo and shan have offered even though I told them to go so they never caught it too. They head off to sound check with the promises of checking in on me later.
I must've slept for two or three hours straight and I wake up with my stomach churning again. "for the love of god".... I scream at noone in particular. I run to the toilet and chuck up what u can seeing as all I've had is some crackers Shannon forced me to eat this morning. I find the cold and flu meds in the cupboard and take the stated dose along with some honey and lemon tea. I sip it slowly and when I feel human enough I jump in for a shower. The hot water actually wakens me a good bit and although I still feel crap I decide to check up on the guys.
They have have just almost finished end of all days when I get onto stage level. Jared is all hot and horny singing with his husky voice and he does the usual cock grab at the last verses. I swear I don't know where I get the energy from but the songs given me palpitations and tingles like never before. I always get turned on when he sings this but this is like some superpowered shit I'm feeling. He clocks me at curtain side and gives me that stare as he sings the last bit grabbing himself one last time to the excitement of the AIW lot that have bought their backstage experience. Like I say, fuck knows where I got the energy but I stalked him on that stage, grabbed his hand and stalked him right off again. "hey there my snotty nosed ba.........."he tries to say as I pull him behind me, on a mission. Shannon and tomo Just laugh and carry on doing what they were doing. We are backstage by this point, it's dark, I'm horny and Jared has no clue what's going on. " jasmine baby is everything OK, what's going on,"
"fuck me jay"........ "say what now shortcake".... I strengthen my point by grabbing him through his leggings..... "fuck me.... Please..". I need say no more. He finds the dressing room and slams me against the door. It's hot and hard and fast and fuck I'm tight and he knows it. We finish noisily and stand forehead to forehead sweaty and panting. "Jas baby I love you, but what the fuck just happened.. You were comatose, feeling ill and next you are dragging me off stage for a booty call. Now I'm not complaining and all, in fact it's been way too long with us being sick but wow baby what got into you"
Don't ask me why but I burst into tears..... Straight up bawling. It's ridiculous. Jared's panicking. Trying to sort our clothes so he can comfort me. "baby I wasn't getting at you please don't cry. Oh shit I was just messing with ya, cmon gorgeous. Look at me". I stop snuffling long enough to catch those sparkling baby blues full of concern and love and I get myself together. "oh. Fuck Jay. I'm so sorry. I only came up to see how you guys were and u saw you getting all horny at end of all days and we'll you know the rest. As for the crying I have no fuckin clue. I think I'm actually losing it babe." "you are just exhausted babe. You are not well and still have been working and it's got to stop. Please chill out for me tonight. Promise......"
I promise him and we hug. We stand for ages locked together and it's amazing. I feel him snigger and he Pulls back sorting my hair" for the Record though that was hot as fuck. Any Time you wanna drag me off stage for a Fuck like that feel free.... "
I blush realising what the others must think.... He lifts my chin gently so we were eye to eye." never be ashamed of our connection baby. This was amazing,. I love you but I also need you healthy so u if your gonna stay let's get u a chair and a blanket.
He runs off to get said things and before I know it Im All cooried into a big cosy blanket and it's bliss. I end up nodding off and I get gently stirred by tomo when they are heading for dinner. "hey T what's up hunni."
He's whispering as Jay is nearby with Shannon "Vicki's been on the phone jas. Constance will land this afternoon. So Johnny is gonna go get her cos we will be doing the photos. And practicing so she can come straight here and you can sneak her into the meet and greet.... It will be so fuckin cool seeing their faces when they shout next and mom strolls in hahahahaha. " I start giggling too. This mad croatian has an infectious laugh but we dial it down a notch so they don't get suspicious." okay thanks tomo and thank Vicki for me this is amazing. He shoots off to see the guys before it looks odd and I actually feel a bit more awake and excited now I know what's gonna happen later. I get up and stretch, sniffing and sneezing as I do. I actually feel a bit hungry but weirdly enough I want noodles. Chicken noodles. I never eat the things but that's what I apparently want lol. Jay sees me coming over and stops me." You sit your butt back down lady. You've been told to rest. Now what do you want and we will bring it back babe. "
"chicken noodles please sweetie." and he looks at me like wtf!! "eh OK I don't know if they do them but I will try." he heads off and I slump back into my cosy sleep in the blanket to wait for him to return.....

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