Flying High

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We spent the night celebrating. Dancing and drinking. What a night. Ive been awake for maybe an hour or so. Surprisingly Jay is still snoring soundly, but then he doesn't usually drink so I guess it's knackered him a bit. I lie there switching my gaze from his beautiful soft features to my finger, bearing the stunning ring. I will be terrified to wear it, it looks so expensive. He stirs softly beside me and I feel his hand padding about the bed, eyes still shut. "Shortcake....."
"hey Jay... I'm here baby, I just wanted to let you sleep". I move over the bed and climb up, straddling him. His eyes shoot open at this... "well good morning to you too Mrs leto" he chuckles. "Mrs leto to be...... Not yet baby." he flips me before I can say another word, hands caught in his, trapped as he leans to kiss me all over my face and neck. "not yet but soon baby girl. And no not echelon #sooooooooon before you start. I mean it. I want the whole world to know how much you mean to me." before I can reply he has us face to face grinning get into his phone with the ring up for a picture. Next thing social media all but explodes as the world sees our half asleep goofy grins with the caption 'SHE SAID YES!!!!'
I flop back onto the bed and I'm suddenly overwhelmed with everything that's gone on. Jared senses the shift in the atmosphere and he's on it in a shot. "jasmine, look at me..... No tears.. I mean it...... Please baby girl. You know how much you mean to me, this hasn't been a short fling, we have built this up through trust and friendship and love. You are my soul mate and I cannot wait for you to become my wife. I wanna have little bitty shortcake babies with you. I want them to have your beautiful soul and your fiery Scots temper, so just take a big deep breath baby, you know how crazy my life gets, but you are it now baby so hold on tight okay". This whole time he had me trapped under him, his hands on my face, his eyes never leaving mine. God this man, all my adult life I knew of him,. Crushed on him, never thinking I would ever meet him let alone fall in love and marry him. This IS a crazy world he moves in but like he says, he is here for me forever so no ones gonna hurt me or us, ever. I trust him with this, hell I trust him with my life.  I put my hands on his hands and he relaxes his hold on my face. I breathe in the sobs that were about to start before his little speech.
"Jared, that was beautiful. I love you with so much of my heart it sometimes overwhelms me. And that's before I take into consideration your music, touring, acting, directing, modelling and business life. I am a little old nurse who disappears into mere Insignificance in comparison so there will be times when I am a Bit gobsmacked so please if I step back or hang with you mom or that I'm not ignoring you or us I'm just dealing with it my way okay baby.  I Can't wait to marry you too, fuck I never thought I'd be the one to tame Jared leto hahaha. What would my 17yr old Self say now haha. I want to have your babies too. Beautiful big blue eyes and daddy's cheeky grin. "  I feel him grind against me as he says" no time like the present my sweet to start practicing". But as per usual the God's or some other force are against us as we hear the door going. "u guys decent" we hear Shannon scream up the stairs. Put her down Jay. Cmon we got u guys a surprise".
What is it with this lot and surprises haha. I'm up and sticking on a Sun dress in a minute. Jared has to try and settle down his boner before coming down and he's frustrated as hell now. It's too cute.
"morning sis" Shannon laughs as he hugs me. "morning shan, what's going on, what u guys up to now"
"well we just though you might like an early engagement pressie surprise so we have organised for us all to go parasailing this morning before it gets too hot . You might wanna stick something on under that dress like shorts or sommat unless u want the whole of the island to see what he does. " he laughs pointing at Jay who had just come downstairs scowling.
" shan what have u done to my fiancé. She's bouncing about like you when u try coffee that's too strong". I explained about the parasailing and his face changed. The adrenaline junkie in him won over his bad mood and he started jumping too.
Shannon groaned....."oh holy fuck Robert (babu) we broke them both hahaha. Cmon let's go. We have a schedule to keep to.
We headed out in a boat to way off the other side of the island to the deeper waters of the ocean. It was utterly stunning. We took turns going two at a time so of course Jay and I were together. I loved that I got to experience this with him. It somehow made it all the better.  It was breathtaking, flying through the air, seeing everything from above. Now I know why Jared takes these risks with the adrenaline sports and the climbing. It's such a thrill. I suppose I should be happy. If he didn't we wouldve never met at the hospital so it suppose small mercies and all that.....

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