Happy Birthday 🎂 Jay

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Christmas day is almost over. It's been an exhausting but amazing day. Just the close family all together. Jared surprised me yet again with the most exquisite diamond bracelet and earrings. That on top of a spa break for me once peanuts here and a new leather gucci bag and too much more to mention. The bags not even out yet so I guess having allessandro as a buddy does have its good points. Jay loved his gifts from me and can't get over a very rare first edition of a book he loves that I managed to aquire. Everyone's had a relaxing day and are stuffed from all the delicious food the caterers provided. We are all just relaxing in the lounge, Christmas movies are on in the background and we are playing charades. Teams against each other. Me Connie and carrie (Shannon's new fling) and Emma against Jared, Shannon Robert and tom and Larry. We figure even with us a team member short we will still beat them. Hell we can even count peanut as our 5th member lol. Speaking of said bump I'm getting some serious pains coming now. Actually kinda often if I'm being honest. Quite rhythmic too. Like the worst period pain multiplied by a gazillion. I'm snuck back on the couch anyway so out of plain sight of everyone as they are busy watching Shannon trying to act his film out. It's hysterical he has literally no acting skills at this point and I feel for him given jays academy award among lol the others. I can't help myself and yelp as the next one comes quicker and takes me by surprise. It's Connie that's first to notice. She is over in a shot while the others are still laughing at Shannon. "okay sweetie, how often is it coming now, are they pretty consistent, no long spaces or gaps?
" she asks quietly and calmly. I can't really vocalise at this moment and just nod and mumble. "okay my beautiful girl, let's get you more comfortable. Jared go and get jasmines bag darling and Shannon please get the car. I know u haven't drank anything yet and neither have I so we will take Jared's and your cars."
You could hear a pin drop in the room and Jared was like a deer in the headlights." Jared, Jay..... Baby it's time" I manage to get out. He snaps out of it and runs over to kiss me before going through to grab the bag. Shan has brought both cars up and Connie is putting my slippers on then helps me stand up. "oh God.... Wtf" as soon as I stand theres a whoosh and I'm soaking wet as is the floor under me. I'm so embarrassed but everyone's so cool. Connie just looks at me and says that's another box ticked so let's get cracking as if it's nothing that my waters have just burst everywhere.  Jay grabs a towel. For me to sit on and literally lifts me bridal style and carries me to the car. I don't know how he did it the weight of me but it was like no effort to him. Shan took the others in his car so that Connie could keep me calm in Jared's. She drove and Jay Sat with me lying on him in the back I lay curled up in the only position I could get comfy in. Emma had called ahead and told them we were coming. Thankfully being Xmas night the traffic was barely countable and we breezed to the hospital in about six minutes. Another wave hit me as we pulled up to the maternity door and Jared was amazing rubbing my back and humming to me keeping me calm. An orderly came with a chair and a blanket and rushed me in to a side room. It had been all planned and booked for next week but I guess peanut had other ideas. My chosen room wasn't available but I got an identical one with a birthing pool. Only Jared came in till I got settled and clerked in. The doctor left to get changed and the nurse finished up my obs. She knows my medical background so doesn't patronise me explaining what she's doing but does tell me everything is just fine, before heading out and giving us some much needed privacy.
It's all quiet for a minute and Jay sits beside me and takes my hand..
"baby.... This is it.... Are you OK. You have no idea how much I love you right this minute. You are about to give me the most amazing thing in the world and I just can't believe it." he kisses my head gently and tips my chin up so I'm staring into those baby blues. They are dark blue with emotion with a film of tears that are ready to drop. I can feel it in him. He's shaking like a leaf. I pull him close and whisper in his ear." it's time for daddy to meet his little one baby. You ready for the role of your life hunni. You are gonna be amazing. When peanut comes out I want you to take them. I've had that bond inside me all these months. I want you to be the first person to have skin contact with him or her and I want you to be the one to give me our child. Will you do that for me baby. " he's full on sobbing now and just nods as he has no voice right now. We are mid hug and I get a severe contraction." mother fucker" I scream. Jared jumps as I think  I scared the shit out of him. Just to that point our midwife josie comes in. She checks me and I'm fully dilated so it's game on time and I need to start pushing. Jay gives everyone a heads up and constance some in for a short while. She won't stay for baby coming out as she wants it to be special for us both but she's been a godsend through the whole experience and she keeps us both calm. She sits holding my right hand and Jared's on the bed beside me rubbing my back and mopping my brow. I've been pushing now for a good hour and I'm getting tired. I honestly feel so exhausted I don't think I can do it. Jared spurs me on whispering sweet nothings and encouragement in my ear. He hums my favourite tunes quietly just for me and I swear I'm lost in his love and he urges me to push, urges me to let us meet our little one. Connie slips from the room as I finally push hard enough to give birth to our beautiful baby. Everyone cheers as the doctor announces we have a beautiful bouncing girl with ten fingers and ten toes and beautiful dark hair. Also a cracking set of lungs given the squealing she's doing. As instructed she's handed straight to daddy who's waiting with his top off to get instant skin to skin contact. He is stunned in silence as she looks up at him and stops crying. She stares at him with mirror image big blue eyes and the love that passes between them in that gaze is utterly breathtaking. The tears flow freely down Jared's face as he takes in every inch of her, holding her like the most precious China doll. He looks at me and mouths thank you and I start crying freely too. He brings her to me and places her on my chest and I feel whole again. That void of her being gone from my belly is filled by the joy and love in my heart and I feel her tiny fingers wrap round mine and then Jared's comes round on top. My family. One of the nurses snaps this picture of our hands together and a few of us holding her. The emotions settle slightly and we realise we are going to have to introduce her to the rest of the family before they flip out in the corridor. Jared pops his head out and shouts constance and Shannon and Robert in first. "guys let me introduce you to our beautiful daughter, your gorgeous granddaughter and neice." he is beaming with pride and everyone in the room tears up when they see her. The midwife pops in to pop a band on her wrist and ankle. "do we have a name yet"... We shake our heads and she says "baby leto it is then. Date of birth 26th December at 01.30 hrs, weight 6pounds 3 ounces. Congratulations guys". Noone realises the significance until I look directly at Jared and say "happy birthday daddy, guess she wanted to be your first present xxx"

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