Time To Come Clean

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A few weeks have passed and everyone's all caught up in baby fever. Every family or friends house we visit for some reason or another has a copy of our scan pic on their fridge. It's hysterical. Momma leto or grammy as she wants to be known is knitting it up big style making little cardigans and jumpers and blankets it's too cute.
I'm feeling great and having Jared home right now has just calmed me like you wouldn't believe. I may or may not have had a minor flip out (whilst he was away) at the thought of impending motherhood and it may or may not have been in the middle of whole foods on a busy Saturday afternoon. The following happened whilst he was away.  Jared had been away for some movie stuff, the guys were on a break from touring and I had some appointments so I had stayed home. I was out for the shopping in whole foods and bumped into some of the nurses I worked with at mercy. It was awesome, much hugging and kissing and general catch up. Everyone was missing  me blah blah blah but super happy for me landing the one and only Jared leto. Still kills me that one. Even though I'm with him I still have to pinch myself sometimes. One of the girls kept looking at me but stayed quiet. I shrugged it off but she kept on and when she clocked my prenatal vitamins in the basket well that was it. Squealing and jumping up and down basically shouting the big unasked question "are you pregnant jasmine..... I swear I knew something was different about you, your glowing, your hair and skin is flawless and you just seem so happy and content....."...... I'm thinking to myself fuck fuck fuck... No not like this.... Where's Jay.... Shit... Noone else knows.... Where's the paps... Who's listening..... Oh wow... Why is it so warm in here.... Is anyone else spinning... Oh  just me.....!!!!!!!!!!!! And silence.
"jasmine, jasmine, hunni wake up, hey it's okay you fainted....." Laura whispers to me... Janette sits me down on a stool one of the cashiers brought over. I look up warily and I have three sets of concerned eyes on me....."take your time jasmine... Are you okay" collette asks with compassion in her voice. "oh fuck it.... Yes I'm pregnant" I whisper... Looking around  to see who's near us. "but please only family know.... It's early and obviously with jay being jay it will be worldwide before you know it so please can you keep it quiet just now" "I'm begging you". I look up and exhale, not realising I had just said all that in one fast breath. The girls have tears in their eyes and just nod and hug me. I get up slowly and hope that this unfortunate blip hasn't been caught by anyone. Thankfully no magazines or tv stations have mentioned it although I do get a call from Jared asking me if I'm OK. He sounds panicked and Im at a loss for why until I realise that one of the girls I worked with is a friend of stevie and mentioned my incident in whole foods. And as a result Jared was messaged by stevie asking if I'm okay and he's freaked out thinking I'm ill and not telling him. "shortcake" he says firmly...... "are you unhappy about this, why would you freak out now.... I don't get it.... Do you feel okay..... This is fucked up I'm so far away from you and peanut."
"Jay 1. I'm fine. Healthy and happy and peanut is too.
2. I am overwhelmed by impending motherhood and have been since I peed on a stick... Its nothing new, doesn't mean I'm not happy.
3. I freaked because I thought they would spoil the secrecy we've managed to maintain and that you would be so angry with me for not protecting peanut "
He sighed and there was a silence....." Jay...spill it "
" well...... Actually.... Emma said that before that even happened someone snapped you gazing at the baby stuff on the main street baby when u were looking for a crib and then getting your prenatal vitamins at whole foods so I think we are gonna have to put a statement out there. "
" oh fuckity fuckity"i humph into the phone to be greeted with hysterics on his end. "jas. What the fuck is fuckity fuckity. Seriously baby it's gonna come out soon cos peanuts gonna be popping ur belly soon and folk would be asking questions"
"actually hunni........

I say as I what's app him

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I say as I what's app him." what the actual fuck. You look so fuckin hot baby why did u send this to me and I can't touch you...... That's just cruel" he whines. "you have a peanut bump... Wow u totally don't see it in normal baggy clothes baby. . U need to wear something really sheer and really tight when I get home. I'm gonna put those hormones of yours to good use. Fuck that's hot jasmine" he slevers down the phone.  "can I ask something baby"
I tell by his tone it's possibly sommat I won't like. "whhhhaaaaat jared"
"can I post something cryptic like.... Pink or blue?........... Then a day or two later the heart beat only.... They will think it's Shannon's drum beat... Eventually leading up to the sonogram pic...... Pleeease."
He's been so patient I don't have the heart to say no. He's nearly flipping for when I tell him yes. That was last week and he's only done pink or blue so far. It's still a bit cryptic for some of the echelon although there's talk on the forums.. Thankfully he's back now and that's why I'm calm. The yin to my yang has returned. My other half. I feel whole again and when I'm whole I can face whatever the world has to throw at me.
He's released the heartbeat and it's stirring all sorts. Folk think it's Shannon. It's a drum beat..... New song intro..... Noone clocks it's peanuts heart trundling away at fast speed and it's a private joke between us all.  It's two weeks later before we literally break the Internet by posting the sonogram pic. I'm literally bursting with pride and I look out the sweetest maternity clothes that I've bought but kept hidden till now. I wear them today with pride oozing out me in buckets as the material clings comfortably across peanut. I'm now 23weeks and heading full on into this pregnancy malarkey. I'm sitting on the couch, legs underneath me when I feel him or her squiggle about for the first time properly. "oooh.. Wow.... Jay come here quickly...."
Jared bolts through from his office white as a sheet thinking sommat was wrong. He sees my flushed face and cheddar cheese grin and realises all is OK. "cmere quickly..." and I grab his hands. Peanuts is wriggling about. He gulps and comes right down to my belly. Hands either side he kisses my stomach and speaks to it. Telling it it's daddy and he's here, waiting  patiently for them to grow and get strong... And it just kicks right at his left hand. We both just lock eyes and burst out laughing. It's literally kicked Jared and it was the funniest thing  ever.. That was us, curled up all night, wrapped up together waiting for the next assault, I mean kick or wriggle......

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