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I feel the bed bumping up and down and if I'm honest it's making me kinda queasy. Reminds me of a bad boating trip where I had horrendous seasickness. I hear the associated giggling and impatient wake up call of the one and only Jared. I open my eyes slowly and he's on top of me in a flash trapping  me under the covers. He kisses me all over my face. Kiss then "wake up" then kiss then "wake up ". This carries on till he's at my belly level kissing the bump through the covers and giving  it a big long explanation about how mummy needs to move her butt so we can meet her/him properly this morning.
I can't help but laugh at him as he holds his hands out to help me get up. I groan as I stand, thankful that I have no more sickness. It was truly exhausting. He pulls me up into his arms practically locking me in place" mmmm.... Fmmggghhh....... Jay.... Squishing me.... "he releases me slightly and tilts my head up to see him and kisses me gently." jasmine this is one of the happiest days of my life. I can't believe today we get to see peanut and hear his or her heart. "
I can see how genuinely in love with this child he is already and before we know it we are both crying happy tears for no reason." right Mr, I'm going for a shower, you get breakfast made. I have to drink so much water for the scan I'll just have a bit of fruit. I can eat after. I don't wanna feel full of food on top of that." he salutes me, then the bump shouting yes ma'am and marches downstairs. I swear he gets cookier every day lol. The hot shower warms up my senses and I squeal excitedly at the thought of seeing peanut. It's all gonna be real... Right there on a screen kicking and waving.... Wow. I dress in comfy clothes to make it easy to lift my top for the scan and also cos I am definitely starting to have a small bump now and I can feel it on my really skinny clothes.  I steal a sideways look in the long mirror rubbing my belly.

Don't wanna give those paps anything to gossip about for a good while yet. I want us to enjoy the secret for as long as we can.
I nip downstairs and jays happily whistling away making tea and pancakes. I see he's cut up some fruit for me and set out the two large bottles of water I need to drink before the scan. "eugh"..... I grumble as I start on the first. "wheesht jasmine, u wanna see peanut you drink the water, capiche" I stare at him not knowing whether to laugh or throw it at him" throwing a few Scots Italian words in Mr leto hmmm. Smartass""stop teaching me cool things to use against you then gorgeous" he chuckles as he grabs an apple and my water and shoots me off the stool.
"cmon let's motor if we wanna at least try and get some privacy."
The journey in is peaceful and quiet with jays hand on mine the whole way there.  By the time we pull in I've drank all my water and could quite happily burst. Thank God we don't have to sit in a queue once we are in.
The docs is located in a large complex which has numerous practices, renowned for celebrity or important clients so privacy is pretty much guaranteed. There's a large underground area to drive into before you can park etc so right out of prying eyes which suits us just fine.
Thankfully no one's phoned this morning as I know Connie and Shannon are besides themselves wanting to see the munchkins first photo shoot as they keep calling it. I swear this baby's gonna be more famous than its daddy before it's even born.
We've parked and it's silent, like eery silent. We just look at each other, big cheesy grins on our faces and then its time. We head up and are greeted at the security entrance buy the triage nurse. She takes my vitals and draws some blood and we wait patiently for the doc to come. Not so patiently for me.... I swear my bladder will burst if they don't hurry up...... To which Jared thinks is hysterical. He makes the tap drip drip drip. Not enough for the doc to think but he knows it's driving me mad. He's saved as the doc comes in, as I was ready to swipe him.
"good morning to you both... Or should I say all three of you, let's not forget why you are here." i answered all the usual questions about my health, how I have been feeling etc and scoot up on the table and lift my top up to expose my little bump. The doc sticks some tissue in under each side and drops the freeing cold gel on me.

He rubs it around  for a minute and then there it is.... Our peanut...... And it's waving at us. Well at something. We can see it's little heart ticking away and it's utterly amazing. Doctor points everything out and takes the measurements etc needed to chart its growth. And then there it is....... That perfect thud thud thud thud like a freight train or galloping horses. It's absolutely breathtaking and I know Jared's crying just as much as me. The doc gives us a few minutes to compose ourselves and we meet him back in the office. "everything looks perfect. Too early to assign gender sorry but otherwise healthy and progressing well. I have some pictures for you, with extra family copies as requested Mr leto."
"thanks doctor,. For everything. You will be in touch for any other tests an appointment times etc yeah. We want to stay with you throughout if that's okay."
I nod in agreement and the doc agrees too so it's all. So it's all systems go with baby leto. We head out the office hand in hand and down to the car in a blissful silence. We reach the car and it's still quiet here being early, so Jared backs me against the car and holds my face gently, still tears in his eyes. "jasmine, thank you so much have no idea what this means to me. To see that there, to see and hear its heart beating..... Wow I never thought I'd get so emotional. You are amazing jas.... Your growing a little human right inside you. I'm in awe of you... Like wow... I love you so much baby..... Both of you" he says and kisses me gently........

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