Candles In The Sand

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Jared's pov:
God I feel like a fuckin teenager again man this is ridiculous. I've been on edge since I surprised her at her place. I'm never nervous, never no matter what. I get up and I sing, I act, I present, whatever it is I have to do. But I do it without thinking. But this girl...... Man... I can't stop thinking. The short spell we had apart while she sorted out her house and finished up her role at mercy hospital was the longest time ever and I just don't want to be apart from her again..... Ever again. It just cemented what I already knew. She has broken down the walls I have built up over the years. Either that or I've gladly taken them down brick by emotional brick to let her through.  She is the missing piece to the jigsaw of my crazy life....
The ying to my yang.....and I have to secure that for ever, here on the island tonight. It's all sorted, everyone is in on it, fuck they have done so much to help me it's overwhelming. Everyone's welcomed her into this crazy extended family and are all just as l excited as me so I hope they don't fuck it up. I know she's clocked me a few times.... I can see her brain working away. She knows me too well so can tell when I'm nervous or over thinking something....
"Jay.... Jaaaaaaay... Jared....." she squeals giggling as she splashes me with the warm turquoise water. "are u in there.... You've zoned out on me, I'm chatting away and you are away in your own world....."
"I'm fine baby, just thinking how happy I feel now you are here with me, I'm sorry.."
She doesn't get a chance to answer as she gets stolen away from me by Shannon, Jamie, babu and Emma who crept up on her. They run with her squealing into the beautiful Carribean ocean and everyone else gathers at the beach decking in front of the house.
"woohoo jasmine here" I hear someone shout.
"hello, anyone remember me... Jared.... Son, brother, band mate, boss etc etc hahahahah"
My mother comes to comfort me. "my baby boy noone has forgotten about you, we've missed her as much as you. I'm so proud of what your doing sweetie. Let's get everyone gathered for dinner so we can set the wheels in motion."
Good old mom. Knows just the right words or actions to calm me the fuck down. By this point that they have managed to let Jas out the ocean and she is sprinkled with water and sand and looks totally fuckable....... But as usual that has to wait." hey baby girl.... You managed to escape haha"
"yeah, you know I thought I'd struggle with Shannon but it was jamie, crazy haired fruitloop that got me good and proper." she stands gobsmacked looking at the house in front of her.
"told ya it had a slide right out the fuckin house didn't i".... She just nods and stares. "it's stunning Jay, thank you so much for bringing me to this with everyone here it's amazing."
"hey don't get all sentimental, it's a well deserved break for us all, in privacy before we head off so chill out, relax and let's get some food on cos I'm starving baby...... HEY HEY HEY THE BBQ KING HAS ARRIVED" Jay screams beating his chest like a gorilla. All the guys head to be the men at the bbq and I settle down with Connie and the girls.
Cocktails are flowing, music is on and the sun is getting lower on the ocean. It's truly perfect. Vicky and tomo have arrived by now too so the whole gangs here and it's just magical. Jamie and Shannon have disappeared for a while now..... I know cos it's not like those two to miss food or drink. Come to think of it shayla disappeared for a while but came back and jays getting twitchy again. Hes up to something.  God knows what. I know he has some surprise, maybe it's a boat trip or a Scuba dive, I haven't a clue. All I know is, this is amazing and nothing could top it.
Everyone starts heading in as the sun is setting so we can watch it over the ocean. There's an open upper deck to the house which is amazing. It's all set up with twinkle lights and the smell from the fresh lilac and pink roses is overwhelming. I know he knows it's my favourite but it could be coincidence I guess, but they are everywhere. Mind you this isn't out place so I guess they must've just had them here. So that's not my surprise then. Hmmm.
Everyone's gathered on the top deck and Jared's clicking his fingers,  a nervous twitch he has that he doesn't know I am aware of. What is he up to aaaah I'm going crazy here.
It's all silent as the music changes and for some weird reason a really old celtic tune I told him of when I was nursing him comes on. It's soft and gentle pipes and reminds me of my childhood. I get goosebumps when I hear it. "jasmine, hey come here baby please" everyone else stands in silence.  The sun is casting the most amazing orange glow over us all as he takes my hands. I'm blushing now, not having a clue why I need to be here in front of everyone.
"jasmine, we met under extraordinary circumstances. I came into your life broken and bruised and you fixed me up, ever the consumate professional, even though you had a sneaky secret love of Mars already. You didn't act all crazy, you just did your job and treated me as a normal guy. For that I will be eternally grateful. You helped me through some crazy drug dazed months, dealing with all the moaning and crazy stuff I said while on pain meds, never moaning, never being anything less than brilliant and look at where we are now nearly a year later. I've never let anyone in like I have you and I am head over heels in love with you. I want to shout it to the world, but for now my closest family and friends will do." He pulls me closer to the railing but won't let me turn yet.  He looks me right  in the eyes and I'm captivated by his pools of agean blue. They are huge and I see the excitement, the love and the passion in every word he says to me." I need to ask you something which is really important before we go on the tour together. I hope it's okay." of course it is Jay, but what the fuck is it, I laugh. "Turn around baby.." ..... He turns me to face the railings and spelled out on the sand below in beautiful flickering candles are the words...... Will... You.... Marry...... Me.....?
I turn back to see him in front of me on one knee with the most amazing diamond and sapphire ring, hope and love in his eyes. "jasmine, I can't spend another day without you, but if I have to i want it to be as my wife, please say you will marry me and be with me forever".
Everyone's crying and hugging as I pull him up to his feet screaming yes..... Yes...... Yes..... He puts the ring on my finger and spins me around till we are dizzy. I'm on cloud nine,  everyone us so happy, Jared us crying, I am crying. It's a beautiful night and an amazing experience I will remember for ever.......

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