Decision Time

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I stop dead in my tracks. "So you did hear me then supernurse" he jokes. "I meant it. I need you. God that sounds corny. You know what I mean. Pleeeease. Cmon. Think of it as you medical duty. Plus I know your echelon so it's gotta be a perk of the job. Not that you have been anything but professional so far, you know what I mean though. " I finally look up and get caught in his stare. Damn him and his bloody eyes." it would take a lot of organising Jared. I just don't know if it could be done. This is my job, my living. " I see him slump down sulking as he asks for his phone. I give him it and he texts so quick I expected sparks to come off his blackberry. Still not speaking I recheck his vitals until we are disturbed with the door opening.
In trots my director of trauma along with Emma and shayla , Jareds assistants. I catch the tiniest of smirks from my amused patient as the director launches into a huge speech about continuity of care and blah blah blah........ Basically Jared had won. A huge donation to the department for a new scanner meant that I was now his personal nurse. I had 3 months to get him back to health plus holiday time owed and as such a valuable team member this was all paid for a long with somewhere to stay while doing it.
I stood stunned, knowing better than to talk against the director and just watched as he left with the girls leaving me in the room gobsmacked.
"cat got your tongue" came the voice from the other side of the room, followed by the joker laugh. Oh boy.... What have I got myself in for.
I scurry out the room as quick as I can, knowing he can't chase after me. I speed up the corridor and into the service bay desperate for some air. I lean against the wall and watch a rig unload another patient. It's never ending and I love it, but I've never had a proper break or a stint away. Could I do this, like what the actual fuck! Decisions decisions. I head back to the room and go in quietly and he looks like he is sleeping. Peaceful and serene. I go over to sort his fluids and he grabs my wrist making me jump.
"ur gonna do it ain't ya, hmmmm" he says in that voice again.
"Holy fuck Jared. You scared me. Yes okay, God help me but yes i will do it".
He releases the grip he has on me and rubs the inside of my wrist instead and whoops as he lies back and smiles. "thank you. I mean it. It takes a lot to let people in, to trust them but I get that from you and I need to be fit for our next tour so I mean it, thank you." I take my hand away from his and look him straight in the eye. "I might be a fan Jared and I might even be echelon but I'm a nurse first and foremost and a damn good one that's worked hard to be the head of the busiest trauma unit around. So I will look after you and I will help your rehabilitation. You can trust me. And for now..... I'm telling u this....... Go to sleep and rest lol. We will talk properly in the morning. " I wait for a response and note that he's drifted off mid speech. Damn that man!!!!

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