Confession Time

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I made it back to the room and it was empty. I knew the guys had a radio phone in to do with Emma in her room so I had about an hour to sort everything. I wrapped up the gifts I had bought him and set about running the bath and lighting the candles and lastly changed into my new lingerie specially bought for tonight. When Jay came back he was gobsmacked that I'd put so much effort into tonight. He had no idea what was coming. He thought I was just pampering him. I took his phone and laptop and shoved them away. There was no way we were getting interrupted tonight.
I steered him into the bathroom and he was so please when he saw the bath and candles. I was still wrapped in my robe so he was none the wiser. When I was getting ready I looked long and hard at myself in the mirror. I guess you could say some subtle changes were there already if you looked closely. My breasts were fuller and if you looked mega close I had a tiny teeny rounding on my belly. Nothing to provoke rumours of a baby but it was there none the less.
I told him to get settled as I wanted to get his gifts. "Jas, what's all this for, you don't have to give me anything. I don't have anything for you baby"
I just laughed thinking what he's given me already will never be topped. "what u laughing about shorty" I replied nothing as sweet and innocently as I could as I gathered everything up. I took off the robe so I was in the purple lingerie only.

I slowly walked back into the bathroom and he was layed back in the tub with his head back relaxing

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I slowly walked back into the bathroom and he was layed back in the tub with his head back relaxing. He never heard me come in and I  took a few minutes just to watch him completely relaxed.... A rare sight.
"oh Jay..." he looks up eyes hooded with tiredness until he sees what I'm wearing and he's wide awake and sitting upright. "wow ah jasmine. You look fuckin hot babe..... Wow.... That does stuff to your boobs baby... Like wowser." he's like a teenage boy full of hormones and it's adorable. "is this my surprise cos I love it"
"it's only a little part. The gifts I'm gonna give you should explain some more hunni so sit up and dry your hands please" he does so. And I sit at the edge of the bath with him and hand him the bag. Inside are the following:

 Inside are the following:

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And a frame with this in it

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And a frame with this in it.

He open the long thin box kinda nervously

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He open the long thin box kinda nervously. He really has no clue what is inside. He takes out the pregnancy test and looks at it, then at me then at it. It's like time stood still. His eyes fill up and the tears turn down his cheeks. He drops the bag at the side of the bath and gripping the test pulls me in the water squealing. He has his hand at the back of my head, tangled in my hair, not letting me go as he looks at me  through tear tear stained lashes and kisses me so softly and tenderly. "really baby... Is it true... Are we having a baby." I nod quietly as I'm scared he's angry or annoyed. "Holy fuck my boys can swim woo oh oooo. I'm gonna be a daddy. Oh lord I wanna shout it to the world." he dots kisses all over my face and neck and breasts. "now I get it...... Bigger boobs. Oh I love this already baby"
"Jay. I've been terrified off telling you. I only found out today. It never even crossed my mind I could be pregnant but five mins with your mom and she sussed it straight away.
" Jas baby why would you be scared. I love you and wanna marry you. We have discussed kids. Wow. This is amazing. Thank you baby thank you thank you thank you." he pulls me close and one thing leads to another before we make love in the bath, water scooting everywhere.
After  much drying of floors (so I don't slip) we are laying on the bed discussing the future. Jared's laying rubbing my belly and the next thing I know he's planted a kiss on it so gently. "hey there peanut. I'm your daddy. You be good to your momma in there, don't give her a hard time now ya hear. I love you little one. I'm gonna look after you and protect you, teach you, sing to you, we are gonna have so much fun." hes rubbing my belly smoothly and I'm sobbing at the sight. It's overwhelming  the emotions." I love you Jared. Thank you for everything."
" hey sweetness. Don't thank me for anything. As soon as we get to the city we are getting you to a doc okay. Full check up, vitamins, scans the works okay."
I just laugh and nod and we wipe away each other's tears before falling asleep lying in each other's arms.
It's a peaceful night until i wake Jared up in the morning with my wretching and puking in the toilet.
" shit babe are u OK in there..... "
I mumble yes and ask for some water. He comes in with a cool bottle from the mini fridge. I'm sitting on the floor looking  like shit and yet he sits down beside me, pulls me in and whispers how beautiful I am. "seriously jasmine you have no idea how beautiful it is to think you are growing our child inside you. I'm in awe of you baby really I am. Utter awe." I brush my teeth and put my hand out for him to get up off the floor. I look up at him and bite my lip, while I trace my finger round the waist band of his pj bottoms.
" seriously jasmine..... You've just been throwing up yet now your horny... "he just laughs as he picks me up and sits me on the counter in the bathroom." meh......hormones baby, just enjoy the crazy ride they r gonna take us on" I say with a shrug. "oh I fully plan to sexy momma" he says as he takes down my top to bite on my shoulder and collar bone. It's hard and fast and dirty as we fuck right there on the counter but it's amazing. Our connection is just stronger than ever now and I'm loving it.
We have hardly finished before the doors getting chapped. I stay to get cleaned up in the bathroom and Jared goes to answer it. It's Shannon to see if we want to go to breakfast. Jared tells him to wait a minute till he checks with me. Hes in the bathroom in a flash like a kid on Xmas morning.
"baby... Can i tell him... I know it's early but if mom knows... Just him and maybe tomo /Vicki."
"babe shayla has a clue. She got me the Test..... But I haven't told her I've  done it.... So yes just the full Mars family but noone else till it's safe" I'm kissed all over with thankyous before he disappears into the room.
I hear numerous fuck yeahs and whooping and man love and just sit there for a bit letting him have his man moment thinking his lucky i am.

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