Home Truths

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So it's been a few days and things are strained to say the least.  Neither of us have mentioned the shower incident and we have been forging ahead with his physio completely professionally but there's a tension in the room, an atmosphere that neither of us dare to acknowledge. He's been sleeping for an hour or so and I've been catching up on my own exercises. I've not had much chance since I've been here. Jared is kind and doesn't work me too hard but I am dedicated to my patients and have been hanging around even off the clock to make sure he doesn't over stretch or hurt himself further. I'm in the small gym off the studio and working away in a world of my own with my headphones on so I don't notice I'm being watched. I turn to get my towel and nearly jump out my skin. "bloody hell ..... U gave me the fright of my life Shannon.....".  He blushes and throws me my towel as he comes into the room. He grabs a few waters from the cooler and tosses me one which I thank him for and guzzle immediately. "I'm sorry, really.. I didn't mean to startle you. I shouldn't have been watching but u were right in the zone... I didnt want to break your concentration."
I reassure him it's OK and sit down to stretch out and cool down. "your brother is sleeping just now but he will be up for his next physical therapy shortly if u wanna wait.".  I continue to stretch out laying flat down onto the floor with my legs out. I peek up as it's still silent and see Shannon staring again, blushing even more. I cock my head up and laugh.... "u OK there shan?".........." shit I'm sorry" he stutters. "ur just so bendy, I'd never get up if I did that" he laughs.... "no wonder Jared likes u so mu........". He falters and doesn't finish the sentence realising he's said too much.
I'm bolt upright now, only this time I'm the one blushing hotter than the sun. "sorry Jared what now shan??" I ask but he knows he's said too much and tries to change the subject. "whoa there buddy, back the fuck up, what do you mean Jared likes me..... Did he tell you about the shower?" it was out my mouth before I could even think to shut the hell up. Shannon knew I had fucked up, of course Jared hadn't said anything, but now Shannon's interest was piqued. "okay did something happen here with you guys.... I mean I know he has the hots for you but he's told me he's too scared to have you cross that boundary cos you are caring for him. He knows you value your ethics and morally its wrong but if you are telling me you hooked up in the shower then goddamn I'm out the loop I guess.... "
I take a deep breath and look him square in the eyes..... Beautiful hazel orbs that they were, goddamn those leto genes........" Shannon first off nothing and I mean nothing has happened between us. Second I'm gobsmacked he has said he likes me. I mean we get on but I thought it was just a professional thing. "  I couldn't help myself rambling on to him, but I don't have anyone here really to talk to and it's all been building up inside......" we kinda had a situation in the shower the other day which could've continued if either had let it..... And we've been hanging out off the clock so to speak watching movies etc.  We shared a bed one night too after a movie..... SLEEPING Only cos we crashed out. I mean I like him too... Really like him. And I don't mean cos I was, sorry I am echelon.... I mean I know him on a real level now, but like you say I'm his nurse so what can I do...... "
I sigh having gotten all that off my chest." jeez babygirl breathe...... You had that bottled up a while hmmmm". He chuckles and heads over beside me to offer me a hand up. I take it graciously and get up ending almost nose to nose with him. He's different from Jared in so many ways but you know they are brothers. You definitely still get the seriously fuckable vibe off him but I don't get that electricity like with Jared.  Don't get me wrong Shannon's seriously hot and smells divine but it's a warm manly musky smell and Jareds is a  fresh clean smell. God I'm rambling in my head.......and standing staring at him while I do it. Literally only seconds must've passed as we stood like that but neither was moving.
I blinked and he laughed. "Not bad, I won, but I do think I could've stared a lot longer, hmm?" I swatted him with my towel and warned him off speaking to Jared. "I think we both know we overstepped the mark with our loose tongues and his lordship would be pissed at us so I totally agree. But for the record once he's well you should totally go for it. I've never seen Jared so smitten with anyone. Take this time to get to know each other without all the hormones taking over. That's if you can control yourself in your bed baths missy ", he laughs lightening the mood.  I reassure him I will try my best and we hug, a warm friendly hug and he leaves for the day saying he will phone Jay later instead. I follow him out and sit by the pool to contemplate this new information I have........ Tbc

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