Surprises Galore

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Jay returned with my chicken noodles. God knows how he got them so quick. I think poor joie and shayla etc had their work cut out phoning Chinese restaurants in the area. I only managed about half of them and managed not to throw up so that was a bonus. It definitely satisfied my craving. I've managed to keep in touch with Vicki without any suspicion and Connie has landed and been picked up by johnno.  She should be here in half an hour.
"hey shortcake... We need to head to set up sound check before meet and greet okay" Jared whispers as he hugs me from behind as I put my rubbish away. I melt into his embrace lost in his scent. Freshly showered and all ready for his adoring fans. "no problem hunni.  I'm gonna catch up with Vicki on the phone and I will be in meet and greet on time."
Shannon comes bounding over with a just as excited tomo in tow. "yay sis ur well enough for meet and greet that's frigging awesome sweetie."
I can't help but laugh at these grown men, all fired up and excited, messing about like schoolboys. So cute.
"fingers crossed shan. I will need to keep a bathroom in site but other than that feeling a bit better thanks. Wouldn't miss it for the world guys." "it's just meet and greet dude. Like your acting weird like it is super special. Yeah it's great meeting the fans but cmon jasmine lol"
I smirk and they just shake their head at me. I get a series of kisses on top of my head and they run off with business to take care of. I haul myself to the dressing room to get another we quick shower before Connie gets here. I can hear the guys playing the last sound check right now so I need to try and brighten up before she gets here. I climb in the shower and it's actually exhausting. Having barely eaten for days and having this bloody cold and the vomiting it's taken it out of me. I do what I have to do and get out and dry myself. I pinch a t-shirt from the guys and a pair of jays leggings so I feel fresher. I think I look better but at that moment Connie arrives and looks horrified when she sees me.. "jasmine my poor baby girl. Jared said you caught his bug but I had no idea you were as poorly. I would've come sooner im sorry she says as she pulls me into a hug." I start bawling again. God dammit what's going on. I'm snuffling and sobbing into her arms wailing about how sorry I am and I dont know why I'm crying  on and on.
She pulls me out at arms length and looks at me....... Like really looks at me... "what....." I hiccup at her. She sits me on the chair and sits gently beside me. She takes my hand and speaks slowly nd quietly. "jasmine dear I want you to think for me a minute. Okay........ I think my baby boy has given you more than a cold sweetheart." I look at her absolutely confused." huh"
"jasmine yes you have his cold and it's awful but think about it. He wasn't vomiting. He wasn't highly emotional for no Obvious reason.  Jasmine have you had any cravings at all".  I draw my breath in as quick as and stick my hand over my mouth, eyes like saucers. "oh my fuckin god...... Oh god sorry Connie, my language but oh shit.... You think I'm pregnant don't you." I think  back to earlier. Going from throwing up to craving chicken noodles, emotional outbursts from horny to hysterical.. I think about it and I haven't had my period this month, and I haven't even noticed. With all the traveling and time zones I must've fucked up my pill.
I look to Connie and she's beaming from ear to ear. "jayS gonna kill me" I whisper out loud, not to anyone in particular. "darling  if I know my son and I especially know his love for you he will be over the moon.....we need to get you a test so I will send one of the girls to get you something okay, that way we can be here for the meet and greet. How do you feel about this jasmine you're very quiet. "
" Im Kinda shocked to be honest. It wasn't something we even planned yet although we both want it, we have spoken about it. I never put two and two together Connie, however honestly thinking it was just his cold."
I sit gobsmacked..... I need a test and I need one soon. I won't let myself get involved in this until I know if it's positive or not. Wow.... I can't help but hold my belly and smile. Connie sees me and hugs me so tight. She disappears into the dressing room to hide and to phone shayla. That girl really does more than her job entails.
Meet and greets in like five minutes and we need to wait till everyone's in so that there's no fuss. The fans have been briefed so as to not spoil the surprise and its all systems go. I'm so lucky to have been accepted by the whole family like i have and Im astounded by the close bond I have with Connie. Shannon's my bodyguard too. Hes gonna bust if he's told he's gonna be an uncle.
... Need to calm down..... Must calm down...... I'm sitting at the back of meet and greet with momma bear just out of sight and the guys are in doing their q and a session.  Someone asks Jared why he's so quiet. Hes super sweet and tells them I'm sick and he's worried cos I was so adamant I was gonna be there for this. I feel kinda bad but I stay out the way. I feel a tap in my shoulder and shayla beckons me out. Hands me a bag out of sight and I head to the dressing room. I signal to Connie to wait for me. I disappear and lock myself in to take the test. I'm shaking so much I nearly pee over myself and not the stick. I can't help but laugh thinking what Jay would say if he could see me now.
Well the deed is done. I now wait the longest three minutes of my life.
It's time.... I can't look.... God I'm sweating and shaking.

Holy fuck

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Holy fuck...... Baby leto.... Baby Jay.... Wow.  The tears are freely flowing now. Happy happy tears. God why hadn't this even crossed my mind. Trust momma bear to figure it out. Shit Connie. I need to get myself together and get out there.
I wash my face and sort my hair. I just look the same snuffly way I've been so I should get away with it. I hide the test in my make up bag until I get Jay on his own and I run out to get Connie.
We sneak round the queue to the giggles of the echelon and I jump in the queue about four folk down and Connie's about two behind me. They start calling for photos and eventually shout next and I stroll up before they even get a chance to look up. Ben our photographer laughs and asks who I want a pic with and I shout "tomo, only tomo, my heart belongs with him". At this point tomo is cracking up and lifts me up bridal style. Shannon's In stitches and Jared just stands there gobsmacked. "why you sneaky little...... shortcake. I've been all worried about you not turning up where we're you."
I jump out tomos arms... "sorry mofo" and peck him on the cheek. He acts all wounded and I slide over to Jay. "sorry boss man...... I had a wee surprise to organise for you guys"
Huh..... They say in unison. At this point the two girls behind me move to the side and Connie stands arms open wide
.... "surprise".

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