Chapter 1 ; Opportunity

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Chapter 1 


I am excited, today is my birthday and also the day I leave my group home. No I wont be able to take my little sister, its bums me. But I know Serenity is safer in that group home than with me. Im finally 19 and it feels good, I couldn’t leave when I was 18 because I was actually stalked by an ex boyfriend. Crazy right?

Which is one reason why Serenity can’t come with me right now.

Its sad I cant even bring my sister, but I’m okay. I’ve been in a group home since I was in 2nd grade. I cant remember it all, but I do see just clips of my moms deranged face. My dads evil grin as they took me away from the only person that loved me.

Her screams and yells for me to come back, but I couldn’t. Its a tragic event, but through it all I’ve grown. Years later, here I am 14 and I am working taking newspapers from the City Hall to homes and stores, racking up candy and helping Publix, and one day I go into my room and a new born baby is right there on my bed. It was my little sister, they named her ‘Charlie’. It didn’t fit her face, and her glow. She shined like a star, so I named her Serenity everybody else calls her Charlie, but she doesnt answer to them.

I just can’t wait to go to my apartment that they have given to me. Once I get it decent, and I get a good job, my sister can actually come stay with me. I’m also getting enrolled in UCLA, I like it better than USC. 

"You ready to go, sweetie?" I looked up at the image in front of me. It was Ms. Charlotte. 

"Yes, I am." I beamed as I hopped up grabbing my 2 suitcases. They were basically full. I just wanted to make it look like I came here with nothing, but walked out with everything I wished for… 

"You excited?" she asked, as we walked down the creaking wood floors, and the terrible shredding wallpapered walls. I had good memories here. We stood side by side, "Hell yes! I am finally free, and with the good benefits that your giving me I would have Se- I mean Charlie in no time." 

She showed a face of distaste of my foul language. Her attitude is the last thing I wanna deal with right now. 

"Thats good, I’ll call you tonight about what the social worker says. You just be here by 12 pm sharp tomorrow, if you do everything will work out fine with getting your sister back. Until then, farewell Anastasia." I nodded swiftly before giving her a warm hug. Serenity came running down the terrible stairs and ran into my arms.

"Sissy you come back rite?" I nodded, and pecked her lips multiple times. She giggled.

"Yes child, I am." I chuckled.

"Okay, if you see a roach you kill it!" she yelled with a lot of demand in her voice. This little girl is too smart for her own good. I nodded, "Yes Ma’am" I saluted before putting my bags in the trunk.

"I’ll be back tomorrow, be good for them. You’ll be coming home with me soon. Alright, Ty?" she nodded.

"Luh you Anasia!" she couldn’t say my name correctly yet.

"Love you too baby" I shed a couple tears, the whole 9, and said my goodbyes to everybody before piling into the cab and letting it drive off. 


I hopped out the cab, as he got my bags out. He took them inside my apartment, and then I handed him a rusty 5O and a tip for bringing my things and he tipped his hat at me before leaving.

Finally, I had my own 2 bedroom.

It would have to do for now.

I sighed as I went into my bedroom, I set down my suitcase and got out my Samsung Galaxy 4, to call UCLA about Online courses for now. I needed to get a car and a job before I could go on campus for classes. 

I had a VAIO laptop that I got for Christmas, and I wanted a puppy and things to keep me company until I got my sister. I knew it would take a while to get her with me because of the file we are under in the system.

After getting online classes, I gave them my address and they were sending in my books. I know I was minoring in Arts, but my Major was either Dance or Science.

I opened up my laptop, and let it turn on. While it was doing that I decided to go into the kitchen and make a food list for what I needed to live off of for the time being. 

After making a decent list, I made a sandwich.with the things we had here and went to my room to get comfortable. I logged onto my user, and immediately went to the Internet. Then I failed to realize I didn’t have Wi-Fi, or cable at that

So I turned on my 4G MOBILE Hotspot and gladly signed in on it on my laptop. Going to the college course page, I put in my user and pass that was given to me, and gladly changed it to what I wanted it to be. 

After doing that, I checked my twitter feed. Just because I was in an orphanage does NOT mean I can’t keep up with this world.

I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow, so I decided to order me pizza and chill for the night. I went to the front door and got the newspaper.

Seeing a new article I got excited and laid on the couch. It was comfy, and I read what was going on in Los Angeles.

'Royal Prince of LA'

I sighed heavily. Wanna be’s..

'Adrian a.k.a Chris Brown prince of LA, looking for a maid'

I chuckled, maybe I do need to take this opportunity. I needed a job, and to the looks of it anybody could get a job there.

After retrieving my pizza and paying, I munched on my crazy bread and pizza with ranch and watched TV.

Happy Birthday to me!

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