Chapter 17 ; Surprises (Part 1)

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Chapter 17


4 weeks later

I woke up light headed. It'd be times like this where I'd wake up and wish to die. Its been a month since I've mysteriously got the flu, and honestly its been horrible. Adrian has been busy more missing a lot of classes, while I have went back online.

Adrian surprised me with the dorm and its nice. But I cant. I cant stay in one, because I have to fix this situation with my sister. I will never know how it feels to do the "College Experience" and I have to face the reality every since day. It sucks sooo bad, but its life and I have to deal with it.

"Wake up!" I heard in my ear, then a smack on my ass causing me to groan. "No, leave me alone Adrian. I am not in the mood for your shit today!" I fussed. he was becoming highly annoying over the past few weeks, and its becoming annoying.

"Baby, come on. I already talked to your therapist, so come on. Remember, we're in this together. Plus your sister is coming over today, and I wanna surprise her with the room I got made." He grumbled rubbing over the spot he hit. I stuck out my bottom lip, and sighed.

"Alright, I'ma take a shower."

"That's my girl," he beamed before kissing my cheek.

"Now go brush those rotten teeth!" he chuckled making me smack my teeth and make my way to the shower. I couldn't even there to turn it on because I was too busy throwing up into the toilet bowl. I coughed the last bit, and flushed the toilet.

This has became a routine, for the past month.

I turned on the shower, and let it get it heat up while brushing my teeth. After doing that, I stripped and got into the shower. I went under the shower head and let my hair, get completely wet.

I stepped back and rubbed my eyes, before washing it, and conditioning it, after doing that I washed my body, and left the conditioner in my hair before stepping out. I waltzed into the closet and chose an outfit for the day.

I thought it was pretty cute due to the fact I could barely fit any of my clothes. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, and he kissed my shoulder softly.

"I wanna take you out tonight." He said.

"Oh you do. I was thinking me and you could chill and watch a movie. But that sounds even better!" I giggled, and turned around to kiss his lips. "Well aren't you getting thick, baby? Keep it up and im'a have to wife your ass earlier."

"Uh, no. I got this little pudge and im working out like crazy and its just... there." I pouted, and he laughed before walking out the closet. I rolled my eyes and lotioned myself up and then put on my outfit. I left my hair curly, because I was going to do it later.

"Ana, theres this guy who seen you out with me and he wants you to model for him. He said you look fit for it." He said putting on his Levi's. I shrugged.

"Maybe so."

~ ~ ~

I walked out the office, unsatisfied with what I was feeling. I walked to my car, waving to the paparazzi coming towards me. I knew Adrian told me to ignore them, laugh at what they say but keep your head held high.

"Anastasia! Anastasia!"

"We heard you and Mr. Brown were having a royal wedding in New York, is it true!?" I looked over them with eyebrows raised. I chuckled, before getting in my car but not before waving. One came closer, and I rolled down my window, as they spoke.

"Quick interview! We've been seeing you leave the doctor, are you pregnant?"

"No, I have been sick." I mumbled, reviving my engine.

"Another question, are you and Adrian getting married?" he asked, and I nodded. Its no lie to it all. Its no point to lie or keep it a secret.

"Yes, its true. If you don't mind love, I gotta go. It was nice seeing you." I waved.

"Bu-" I cut him off. "So nice."

I pulled off rolling my eyes, feeling the California Breeze raise through my curls making them move. It felt good to go to therapy, even though I barely talked. I let her introduce herself and let her talk. By the time, the session ended I had lots of questions but I guess that was for next session.

A call on my phone interrupted me.

I answered without looking.


"Girl, where you been at? You dont come to work no more. You dont come home to your apartment. You got me scared!" Sierra ranted on. I sighed.

"I know, tell Bryan I'll be in tonight. I've had the flu for a month now and I've moved in with Adrian but my furniture and some clothes still there."

"Alright, I miss you though!" She sounded hurt.

"Plus you said you had the flu for the a month? Doesn't seem like a flu, you'd probably be dead right now theoretically speaking." She mumbled.

"Maybe so, but I'll call you back im'a meet up with your 45 minutes before our shift at your apartment. Kay, bye." I blurted before hanging up. I am in a hurry to go see my baby. I really haven't hung around Serenity but its due to me being sick, and all the stuff going on.

I drove over to the group home, and got out locking my car doors. I go through this every time. I knocked on the door, and waited for her voice... But this time it was anothers.

"Who is it?"

"Uhm, Anastasia." I said, and the door opened. Aunt?

"Well, Hello Anastasia." She greeted me and stood to the side. I walked in and showed a puzzled look at the different decor. It looked like a regular home rather than somewhere lots of kids would stay.

"Uh, wheres my sister?" I asked.

"Oh, shes napping. But we should talk anyways." I nodded and took a seat on the plastic covered couches and sat back. She mirrored my actions and watched me intently.

"You know its been a while since I've seen you."

"Its been a month, is this your home?" I asked changing the mood.

"Yes it is, you know its final on your little sister being adopted by me. Your mom was so happy. Shes just waiting for you to come." She beamed, and I smiled softly.

"Im grown. I have a man, and I have a job. I dont need to be adopted at the age 19." I chuckled, slightly annoyed.

"I see your hustle." she paused, "but I want you to meet your sisters, and brothers." she smiled.

"Maybe another time, I should be going. You should tell Charlie I stopped by and that I love her," I stood up and gave her a slight hug. "I sure will, and I just want to tell you... that I love you."

"I love you too, Aunt. You came and saved my sister from this craziness." She walked me to the door, and I reached for the handle but surprisingly, it opened revealing the woman I dreaded and think I hated.

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