Chapter 16 ; Therapy

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  Chapter 16         

I walked into the large auditorium where all the students were to be held at. I wish I could be a full time student and live in a dorm, with Adrian w/ me as my boyfriend.

It was some sort of prep rally meeting and I was waiting for Chris to meet me here.

I sat beside the same girl who sits in my Major B (Social Studies) class.

"Oh, I know you!" She girl blurted.

I nodded, knowing that she would continue to talk so I just got on my phone blowing air threw my cheeks.

"So, you a full time student here? Do you live on campus?"

"No to both questions, but I want to. It seems fun," I shrugged before looking at the metal double door, that I was waiting for him to wqlk through anytime now.

"Girl, lemme tell you, its many things about this school that’ll have you intrigued. But its a long story, so why bother telling." I rolled my eyes.

"Then why bother opening your mouth to start a conversation we both knew you werent going to finish!" I spat before hopping up when Adrian came through the door. Many people stared, and I felt as the odd ball as people came to stand at his feet and bow down.

I got on my tippy toes to peck his sweet plump lips before he grabbed onto my hand and led us up the stairs of the large stand that made an arch around the small podium.

Of course because of Adrian, we sat all the way at the tops with people I couldnt stand to be around.

"Yo, this my girl, Ana." Adrian mumbled introducing me. I waved, and recieved winks and shit I paid no mind to.

"You were fine with me going to school and you taking care of my boxes?" I asked, hinting at the fact that he looked stressed.

"Yes babe I said I got you." He grumbled, and looked out intently. As if he was looking for a person. I just sighed leaning back against his chest as I sat diagnol ways towards his body on the seat.

"I wanna stay in a dorm," Adrian grumbled in my ear.

"I do too, maybe we can get one and stay on campus. Serenity could just stay in the group home. It would be easier for me, right now." I suggested. I really felt like getting Serenity would be a very hard thing due to the fact thats shes happy and that…  my moms trying to win her back from DFax.

"Where is all coming from?" He asked.

"Look, I cant get Serenity. They’re saying im not elgible because my whole moms side of the family is helping her get Serenity back. I just cant deal with this right now." I said as I felt the tears coming on. I knew better to cry in front of everybody, so just as soon as the tears came they dried up.

"Its okay baby, we’ll figure out something. Until then, lets just be as mature as we can be with this whole situation and lets start by getting our degree cause’ a nigga need it," I laughed before nodding at him. He was right.

"Your right baby. Lets get a dorm," I mumbled as the meeting ended. Well damn, we been in here for almost 2 hours doing nothing. I got up and fixed my pants and Adrian stood up and grabbed my hand before just standing for a second and let it clear for a bit.

"How long does it take to clear this shit?" He fussed. I chuckled, and let him lead us down and soon we were at the bottom and making out way to our classes.

He let go of my hand as we made it to a group of people and I just looked over a him with an eyebrow raised.

"Man, whos this?" A guy with a bull piercing lodged into his nose. I smiled a bit at the appearance.

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