Chapter 19 ; Bound 2

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Chapter 19 


I had just finished up with lunch, and I could say I really overdid my abilities. I dont know why I even agreed to this. Its going to end up into an argument that im going to dread and end up kicking him out and maybe out of my life.

I dont need the stress and i dont need him if hes not stepping up to the plate. Finding out I was pregnant really made me happy and down for whatever until I thought about Adrian and his stubborn ways.

I didnt really dress up because I didnt need to. Hes nothing really important to me. Yea last night I was a bit caught up and was going to tell him I loved him but waited till after. Plus, I let him call me those pet names and I cant let him do that if im going to be true to myself.

Its a lot.

The doorbell ringing made my breath get caught into my throat and I slowly moved to the door.

I opened it slowly and i wanted to just cave into his arms and forgive him and apologize for all my wrongs but I will not let him win. He will get out the game whether im not in his life or not.

I dont want to bring my child into this.

"Hey Ana," he had his hands into his pocket and his shoulders were tense. I could say he looked like hell. Bags under his eyes and he looked a bit skinnier but he was still my chubby baby.

"Hey Adrian." I mumbled stepping closer for a hug. I wasnt going to be rude and give him a handshake. You could say we’re together but then we’re taking a break. Which is one reason why i removed myself from the situation because I was confused with myself.

He took his hands out his pockets and I stepped even closer, our bodys against each other. He wrapped his arms around me and I couldnt help but break down.

Come to face reality, I really missed this man with every bone inside of me.

"I’ve missed this and you so much." I choked out as I shook slightly in his arms. With his arms still around me, we moved into the house and he closed the door and leaned on it.

I sniffled as my body came down from its shaking.

"I’ve missed you too baby. You dont know how worried I was about you and my seed." He kissed my forehead and then kissed my nose down to my lips.

I couldnt say I didnt forgive him.

"I want this work but…" i trailed off.

"But what?" His voice soft but stern.

"Adrian, i just cant right now. Its extra stress on me and the baby. Come on lets eat, cause’ I’m starving." I mumbled and was about to turn to walk off but he set his hand on my stomach and I froze and I looked up at him teary-eyed.

He then got onto his knees and lifted up my tank top. He rubbed my little bump slowly and then kissed it. It was the most beautiful thing ever. I wanted to melt.

"Hey little one, its your daddy. I just wanted to say I love you and I cant wait for you to get here." He slowly got back up and pressed his lips against mine.

"And I love you too." He said after pulling away. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I loveeeeee you!" I dragged out with a wide smile.

"Now can we eat, babe?" I pouted, my stomach groaning for some food. He laughed.

"What you make? It better not poison my seed!"

Hismaidff (Chris Brown & Jasmine Sanders Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora