Chapter 33 ; 2 Week's N' Counting

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~ 2 Weeks Later ~


I yawned and rolled over to see dick head laying there. I kicked him purposely and flipped around in the bed. Hearing him curse under his breath, “Stop that petty shit.. It’s been 2 weeks.” He spat. I giggled.

"I don’t give a fuck. You have to take me to the doctor to get my stitches taken out. I won’t be able to walk after I leave.." I said and kicked him again before getting out of bed feeling him pull me back he kissed my lips tongue and all.

"Ew, can y’all stop that shit.." Sierra said making us pull away and me flip her off while blushing. I can’t wait till 5 more weeks and I can get some dick. God, I’ve been feigning for month’s now. I mean I can get head after a week without stitches but no sex util 6 weeks after having the baby.

"Can you stop that shit? All you ever did for this past week is barge in my room.."

"Well, I’m sorry for waking you up to say I’m babysitting Baby Aiden while your gone." I squealed and jumped up to hug her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed and she laughed hugging me back.

"Your welcome but you will be paying 50 dollars for every dirty diaper I change. I’m dead ass, bitch." She rolled her eyes playfully making me smack my teeth and wave her off going into my closet for an outfit. After shooing Sierra out of my room. Adrian and I took a shower, and took care of the rest of our hygiene before going downstairs to see Aiden propped up on pillows on the kitchen. He was on his pillow that opened but was connect and kind of surrounded him. I went over and kissed his nose and picked him up.

"Hey non’s…" I said as he sucked on his pacifier and looked at me with his big eyes. I kissed his cheek and he just stared at me. "Baby boy…" I pouted. His mouth curled but a smile hadn’t yet come.

"Smile, for mama.." I cooed.

"Come on, babe.." Adrian said hopping down the last step and taking the baby from me and kissing his forehead before setting him down and we went to the door but of course I ran back.

"Quick picture?" I asked Adrian and he nodded. "I’ll be in the car babe. Bye, Aiden love you man…" he said with a smiled before walking out the door. I chuckled at look at my fat man.


Baby Aiden (2 weeks today) #lovemyphatman @chrisbreezy #idontwannaleavemybaby 

I pouted and posted the picture before kissing him bye again and walking to the kitchen. 

"So, the bottles are all in the fridge. There is 4 day’s worth of milk in there, he should only drink 3 to 4 of them in the next 3 hours. Meaning around 6 diapers.." I mumbled and she nodded taking the list of thing’s I needed her to do.

"Can you please call up my personal trainer and have her call me tonight.." I mumbled and she nodded. "Sure thing, sis. You owe me." she said and I nodded and gave her a hug before leaving out the house and got into the car.

"Took you that long to kiss my baby boy goodbye? You posted that picture 5 minutes ago." He chuckled, as I got settled in the car. He backed out of the driveway and drove down the street. 

"I had told Sierra what I wanted her to do, calm down." I rolled my eyes and got on my phone and text Ciara. 

Me: Get your brother, he’s annoying… 

I sent it and looked over at Adrian who was sighing. 

CiCi: Thats your fiancee.. 

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