Chapter 15 ; Thursday

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I woke up the next day exhausted. I was tired. I was cleary close to being stressed and I wasnt this distraught in the group home. I held my own, but now im getting behind in work and showing a completely different side of me.

I always go to work and do whats right, but I have been making my time out to Adrian and his problems rather than my problems and how I feel about all these very emotional problems and predicaments in my life.

Im getting tired of having to vent about everything. I could go on and on for days about how I feel and it wouldnt be a tad bit pretty and respectful. 

I think rather than venting to my friends, like my mother told me before I was in the group home, i should go out for rather more professional help.

"Your business lies within the walls of your house, the doors of every room, the doors of your car, and even to the smaller things that are actually big in fortune. Like people may ask, ‘how do you get by without by without a job?’ Dont speak up, shh, its not their business to whether im financially stable. If you need help, go seek it. Dont blabber about yourself because you’d become the talk of the town."

She told me, actions are bigger than words. So if I were to write about my feelings right now, it wouldnt do me any good. If I were to have a diary its just locking all my business into a book that could easily drop in the middle of nowhere and a person could pick it up and make fortune off of my depression. 

"Talk of the town."

Another phrase I wouldn’t use on any body but myself. Its my business only to know whos the talk of the town and if im not gossiping or telling my business, than I should know that im the one because its kept away in my house.

They may say, “shes a weirdo, never converses with anybody. We dont know anything about her. I wonder whats wrong with her,” with their messy makeup and hoe-ish clothes on. They couldn’t be talking about me. I have nothing to say towards their sorry opinions about ME.

We can close the case by saying, im not talk of the show. Its clear that you either want to be me, or close to it.

I walked down my stairs to see Adrian watching tv while struggling to keep his eyes open. I just shook my head, before going into the kitchen and whipping up something quick.

School had worn me out but I had some more classes today and then I’d be free for 2 weeks because I am ahead of class. I find it cute that me, being the one in a group home, and then joins college in the middle of the first semester could be the one to be ahead making all A’s.

I guess im not stupid after all.

I finished making pancakes, eggs, blueberry muffins, cheesy grits,.smoke wood bacon, and I made  some lemonade. I dont really like orange juice and apple juice. But they are good.

"Adrian!" I yelled from the kitchen. He mumbled a few inauble things but I could still here the attitude laced in his voice.

I walked out and straddled his lap as he watched tv.

"Baby," i touched the scruffy hairs on his chin, "whats wrong?" He placed his hands on my waist.

"Nothin’, im just tired. Last night I had to take care of some business and I didnt get back here till around 5. But you were sleep so I didnt wake you, and your couch is so comfortable but I dont sleep on them," he grumbled rubbing one of his large hands down his adorably defined face causing me to smile before putting my head in the nape of his neck and lightly pecking it.

"Im sorry baby, but I made some breakfast." I pouted.

"Oh! Im wide awake now!" He shot up while carrying me to the kitchen. He sat me on the counter and dug in.

I bit my lip with a leg crossed over the other as he dug right into his food without a care in the world. I hopped off the counter to fix mine but came up short.

"Adrian! You ate mostly everything!"

"My bad Ana. Just eat off my plate." I nodded and slugishly walked over to him and sat on one of his legs like most kids with their parents. I began to eat slowly, and sipped on my cup of lemonade.

"Your such a fatty?"

"Im not, I just love food!" Adrian laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"its not a problem cause’ your my fatty baby boy." I smiled as he leaned in to kiss my cheeks.

"Eww, your greasy ass lips!" I whined. I had grease on my face now. I’d have to wash it again.

"This greasy ass food, though." He chuckled before sliding from underneath me leaving me on the bar stool.

"You got class today?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yep, I got 2 classes with you today. The third one im skipping cause’ I need my rest for tomorrow"

"I see, but l I really dont wanna go to any of my classes. I still gotta move all those clothed and jewelry, and all that stuff to your place. Then I gotta sign the papers and go to my meeting with Ciara today. Then I have to call somebody." I rambled on about my plans for the day.

"At least go to 1 class with me," he pleaded.

"The evening class is the one im going to, now get up so WE can start packing my clothes," i made sure I put the emphasize on WE. I was not doing this alone.

"Come on!" I yelled from the stairs, and I walked up. Hearing a groan and his footsteps soon after.

"This about to be crazy," i grumbled to myself looking at my messy room and closet. Im barely here to clean and make sure things are looking presentable.

"Well damn! I aint see this last night."

"it was dark, asshole."


I set the last of Ana’s things on my bedroom floor. She had a lot of boxes and bins with clothes in them. Its crazy how she came up with nothing, but came out with everything. You would think after I took her shopping she wouldnt  have as much. But nope, shit I what I bought adds on to everything.

She left for her meeting with Ciara, and I couldnt be happier to chill with my bros.

I love having her around, but I got to have my own time just like she need hers.

"Yo!" I heard my door close.

"Whats up Audrey, nigga!" I yelled out as I came downstairs to dap him up. He chuckled before sitting on the couch.

"Nigga whats with these boxes full of girl clothes? Dont say its Ana." He side eyed me but I nodded.

"Yep, shes moving in but keeping her apartment on the side. When she need her time apart, she’ll take some clothes and chill," i shrugged.

"Oh, shid! My nigga you must be serious about this one!" His loud ass laughed.

"Nah but seriously, I came to talk to you bout’ some serious family stuff." He rubbed his hand over his head as he lifted up his snapback and put it back on his head.

"Whats wrong now?" I groaned.

"Our bitch ass G! He’on feel how you trying to take over soon. He watchin’ you do ya thing bro, he saying im gone be ya right hand man! Pops watching this bitch made nigga destroy his life and as much as I love him, you do too.. So I think we need to help this nigga. He slackin’ in his head."

"I’ll think about this, cause’ as much as YALL love him I dont. Plus, we supposed to be going to Virginia in a few months and his ass gone be there at the family reunion. Im just not feelin’ it." I sighed as I rubbed a hand down my face.

"Man, I gotta go to class." I grumbled as I fished for my keys in my pocket.

"Aight fam, I’ma kick it here with Kiara." He murmured before dapping me up and I saluted before leaving.

Hismaidff (Chris Brown & Jasmine Sanders Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora