Chapter 18 ; Always Right

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Chapter 18

                             Month Later            


A month… A month since I’ve seen the woman I’ve somehow grown to love. No she won’t answer any of my calls, and Im devastated. I was losing her ad my child. I had to step up and take care of my responsibilities like a man. Truthfully, I couldn’t say I was one. I was a boy. Grieving for his mother, but shes not coming back.

My seed is going to have both parents, together, happy in a home full with love. Anastasias my baby, foreal. I can’t say I can’t live without her, because I can but my seed… Its different.

LOVE Anastasia, but shes running away from her problems. I dont think she feels the same way about me if she keeps turning away from me every other time we get into a small argument. No im not quitting the game. 

This is a family inheritance. Once your known to be born from that sibling, your in the game automatically. Nothing is stopping you from getting out but the people around. Its more than just your family depending on you. Your family is right behind you, but peer pressure is an ache to the soul but disappointing the one you love is way worst.

"I fucked up, bro." I grumbled.

"I think we all know that G, but you the one who got her pregnant." Audrey patted my back and continued playing 2k13. 

"Nah, I cheated."

"You what!? Thats baby girl right there.." he paused the game and turned towards me fist clenched, "Why cheat, dawg? Now you think she gone want your dog ass?" 

"Fuck that, she gone take me back. She sent me a text the day after we basically broke up saying she needed time apart and that its not a break, we are over and shit so im guessing she got a nigga." I grumbled, and took the game off pause.

He paused it back, causing me to huff in annoyance.

"Nigga what the fuck-"

"Man shut the fuck up! Now what if she, right after y’all had broke up- fucked another person." he said looking over at me.

"You sound like Ciara." I told him.

"Because, I actually listen when she tell me shit. You understand she’s more successful than us, at 20. She one year older than me and can be a philosopher, cause shes smart as fuck."

"Something we’re not," I said.

"Exactly, and you want to still be in the game? The game gone get you killed bruh, Im just stating fact none other than that."

"You right, but she not gone take me back either way." I sighed, knowing it was the truth.

"What she doesn’t knows won’t kill her. You just be a G, and love her dawg. I can tell you already do with ya sprung ass!" he bust out laughing as he got up and went into the kitchen.

This nigga…

                                                                          Week Later


I walked towards the mirror in my bedroom. I was becoming self conscious, because of course I was getting bigger but I had a small bump now. It wasn’t something you’d be able to see, far away or up close but to me… I felt big. I rolled my eyes at the sound of the doorbell ring of my new condo. I had to move, because I needed another bedroom. 

My mom had bought for me, and also bought me a new car. I mean I don’t hate her, but her gifts aren’t winning me over.

I am building a relationship with her because my therapist suggested that I did for me and the babies sake. I opened the door, and in walked Ciara, Audrey and an unfamiliar male but looked a lot like them. Must be the brother Adrian hated and dreaded so much.

"Hey guys!" I beamed and gave them all hugs, even the unfamiliar one.

"You seem happy today?" Ciara chuckled. I nodded.

"Actually blessed, but wheres Kiara? And I’m surprised your brother didn’t come…" I trailed off. I rolled my eyes at the thought of Adrian.

"You know shes not quite fund of you." Ciara sighed.

"Yea, and G wasn’t home when we stopped by after lunch." the unfamiliar one spoke up. I nodded, "Whats your name?"

"Jay, im there oldest brother." he pointed to them, and I nodded before walking to mykitchen. “Nice to meet you.” I called while walking. I didn’t wanna come off rude but I was starving. Morning Sickness wasn’t as bad as before but I still couldn’t really hold down food. My second appointment would be in a week, so I was contemplating on talking to Adrian or not.

"So, how you and the baby been?" Audrey asked, as I fished out something for lunch. 

"Good, im actually having my second check-up next week. We do the first ultra sound in a month." I smiled as I rubbed my little stomach. I was happy that I was becoming a mother. It was truly amazing.

"You still going to school?"

"To be honest, no. I just haven’t been up for it, my last class that I went to was 2 weeks ago. I’ve been a total of 4 classes, but I can just catch up online whenever." I grumbled, as I put my chicken breasts in the oven, and started to make my Alfredo sauce.

"You need to stay in school, baby girl! Get that education." He joked but I knew he was serious. I laughed at him, and finished cooking.

"You made me some?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nope!" I yelled popping the ‘p’. He smacked his teeth before putting his hand over his heart.

"Im hurt. Your…. Your…. letting me starve!" he fake cried.

"If I give you any, I will starve and im pregnant." 

"Whatever, baby girl." He rolled his eyes playfully.


I sat on my couch, and looked at my phone. Should I call? Is it too late? I mean it was 7 at night, and at this time he’s usually doing business. I sighed thinking about it all.

I dialed his number, and it rung before he picked up.

"Hello?" he spoke. I wanted to die.

"U-Uh, yea.. Its me Anastasia." I mumbled, and I looked down at my stomach. Im doing it for the baby… not for me.

"Oh… How are you?" he asked.

"I could be better, this morning sickness is not cool." I chuckled a bit.

"So, you are pregnant? Whens your next appointment?" He bombarded me with questions and I laughed softly. "Its next week. I wanted to call you, so we could meet up for lunch and talk about this. I want to continue the deal, because its only fair."

"Shit, I forgot all about that." he said with a nervous chuckle.

"Yea you right we have to continue." I smiled at his words. He always was right.

"Yea, come over tomorrow. I’ll have lunch prepared, and we can talk. I moved so just get my address from Ciara or Audrey. Oh yeah, I met Jay today. Hes not as bad as you guys make him seem," I told him.

"What the fuck Anastasia! You talked to that nigga!? Why the fuck would you do that shit, babe- I mean Ana." I pouted for a second.

"Dont yell at me! Audrey and Ciara came over. It wasn’t my fault." I murmured.

"Look, im sorry for yelling at you baby. I’ll be over tomorrow," he apologized and I chuckled before hanging up.

i love you Adrian." I mumbled.

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