Surprises ; Chapter 17 (Part 2)

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Chapter 17 Part 2



"I’ve waited all the years…" she mumbled and walked further through the door. I just clenched my jaw and looked down, feeling those heart drenching tears. I can’t cry, but it hurts so bad. The pain. 

I just waited patiently, my hands shaking violently, for her to me. I was shocked , not only am I seeing my mother that let my father kill her soul and take her away from me… us . She did it twice. 

I felt dead inside.

I wanted to die, right then and there.

"You have a glow to you," she almost whispered.

"Such a beautiful glow, you would think you were almost pregnant." I chuckled, before shaking my head. Im not pregnant. 

"Im not pregnant, I would know that!" I stammered, as the shaking built back up. So much rage and heart ache towards her was on the verge of spilling. She was not auspicious, she was the opposite, very… magnanimous you could possibly say?

"Calm down! I was only being nice."

"I dont want your kindness, your…. your sympathy I want you to get out my life! Like you did when I was younger. All this anger, I have towards you… it can’t be allayed. This is a pungent feeling. I… I hate you !” I yelled. I didnt mean to sound harsh, but I was holding in all this resentment for years, and I’ve been hurt… damaged.

"I-I-I tried to be there! I came to visit you, and you probably dont remember. I made a decision, god knows why I did it, but I didn’t know. I was young and stupid with no care in the world. Yes, I cried and begged for you to come back but you stayed and you were officially gone… no more visits. I couldn’t see you, or get you back. Your aunt at the time was having a kid and couldn’t adopt you, or at least take you in. Im sorry, for everything Anastasia. I love you and Charlie, but my life wasn’t the best!" 

'So you dump a newborn on a 14 year old? At least be sympathetic about the situation. Now I hear there’s other kids. Why give me and Charlie away!? Huh? What did I do to deserve this!” I yelled, tears spewing from my eyes like a rainfall. My face was hot, and my body was surging to a higher temperature. 

This time… she didn’t answer.

She just simply walked away, her frail body sobbing and my heart breaking more. The only thing I needed was a drink, and Adrian.

I broke down, and cried even harder. I had nobody.

"Im sorry Ana, I could’ve taken you in. I was emotionally distraught at the time. I had 3 kids. I had no job. No man. Barely a house. I couldnt care for a little girl and a newborn well on the way. Im sorry."

"I love you Aunty." I mumbled, giving her a hug before walking out. I was tired.

I sat in the car, and just thought about everything.

I started to cruise slowly as Alicia Keys, ‘Nana’s reprise’ played. This song always made me feel a type of way. It was slow but it sped up, and occasionally her voice gradually rose. 

Somehow, I found my way to my phone and I was dialing Adrian’s number. 

"Adrian," I gulped out.

"Babe, whats wrong?" his voice full of concern. I could tell he was panicking inside as well as I was right now. I couldn’t control my body or feelings right now. I was dying inside.

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