Chapter 2

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"Babe i can explain," Ryan started. He raced down the steps and he told the girl he had slept with to go in the kitchen. She cursed him out as as she went up the stairs ripping off his striped shirt. " Babe its not what it looks like. I-"

I cut him off, " No, I'm pretty sure it is. You just fucked with a girl that's wearing your shirt. That you barely know. And don't try and find a way out of this. You can't. You've done this once before. I cant keep giving you second and third chances." I felt my eyes filling up with tears and my throat go dry.

"Babe," He tried to comfort me his hand going towards my shoulder. I slapped it off of me. "NO, DON'T TOUCH ME." I couldn't let my tears win and break down in front of him. Not anymore. I wiped the few tears from my cheek and took a breath. " Ryan, don't call me or text me. I don't want to see you again. we are through. I'm sorry."

I didn't want to break up with him. A part of me still loved Ryan, but i had to. I wasn't going to my hart broken a third time. " Ashleigh!" Ryan started to cry, " Please don't I promise i wont do it again. I swear." I wasn't giving into his deceiving ways any longer. I cursed him out as i started to walk away. 

I did what i should've done the first time he cheated on me. I stopped halfway down the driveway and stared into his soul. I flipped him off. His mouth gaped open as i looked back.

I never swore or flipped anyone off efore, but Ryan deserved it. He was pushed out of the way onto the floor by the girl he just slept with. She yelled at him in a different language and walked out the door dressed and purse in hand. 

I began to walk home. Everything was racing through my mind a mile a second. I suddenly was called, " Hey wait up!!" A girl with a heavy accent called. It was the girl from Ryan's apartment. When she caught up she started to explain that Ryan took her home from a club the night before. He told her he was single and was looking for a girl.

"If i would have known, " She apologized, " I would've never gone home with him, I'm sorry." Her sympathy was comforting. We talked a little longer before i had to get home to pack. We said our goodbyes and walked on i different directions.

I wasn't mad at her. She didn't even know. Why was i still thinking about this? Don't even bother its over and done with. I told myself. I put it all in the back of my mind and went home.


Sorry it was such a short chapter will progressively get longer. 

-Ashley :)

Love. It's Complicated {completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon