Chapter 19

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I heard Harry's voice, "Hello, love.". I lifted my head as all of the poured into the room. Niall was the first to try and give me a hug. I stood up and accepted. His thick Irish accent filled my ears, " Hi, how are you" He greeted. I smiled at his politeness," Good how about you guys?" Harry answered for them. His slow raspy voice made me want to shove him up against the wall and kiss his soft pink lips, "Good actually now that were here." The other boys glanced over at him cheekily smiling. I picked up my notepad and showed them out towards the meeting room. I went to Alexis' office and told her about the meeting she joined us. When we got to the meeting everyone piled into the room. Harry was the last to walk into the room. He gave me a sexy smile. As he brushed past me the smell of his cologne made me tingle. I had no idea why i wanted him this bad. I shook off the feelings and walked into the room. Of coarse the only seat left was next to Harry. I took a breath and sat. Mr. Fitzpatrick entered the room and gave the boys a smile as he sat. Harry's hand touched my leg and i jumped. Not enough for anyone to notice though. He started to snicker of his doing. I grinned and looked at him. We shared an intense moment of staring before Lisa walked in the room and announced me to show my designs. 

I stood up and cleared my throat and walked over to the pinboard. My heart was beating not only because of Harry but because i was nervous as hell. I never was scared at talking in front of people but the fact that Harry was watching was quite intimidating. I turned around and put up the designs of the boys clothing on the board. I turned around and explained the designs to them. I could tell that everyone was not focusing on my mouth. I looked over at Harry and he winked. I lost my breath and had to inhale to get it back. He kept staring at my butt. I'd catch him every time. When i finished everyone loved my designs and they offically became part of there line. The boys all congratulated me and hugged me. Harrys was the longest go figure. Plus his hands slid down my back a little too far. Niall had to come over to him and tell him to get a move on. 


When they announced that they had to leave, i was disappointed. Harry wasn't to thrilled about it either. He had a look in his eyes like he wanted to do something. I had felt the same but mine was probably worse. They all waved and turned besides Harry. He just kept on staring. I smiled and winked. When he got to the elevator he said something to the boys. I pretended to not look. I remembered i left my designs in the meeting room. I quickly went across the cubicles of people and into the room. I picked them up and turned to see a figure over top of me. He shut the door and locked it. It wad Harry. "Damn it Harry you scared me!" I said with a chuckle. He didn't find it funny.

He cupped his hands on my cheeks and kissed me passionately. It took a second for me to realize what was happening. I didn't know if i should kiss back or tell him it's wrong. I made my decision. He ran his fingers through my straightened red hair. It only made me want him more. I kissed back. I probably shouldn't have. His tongue glided over my bottom lip waiting for entrance i accepted his offer while holding on to his shoulders. I felt his hands creep down my back to my lower spine. I felt them dig into my skin lightly. My fingers pulled at his checkered red and black shirt. He must've thought i wanted it off because he lifted it and let it drop to the ground. He gave me a smirk. " I didn't want you to take that off you know i was just grabbing onto you." He didn't care. " It would've been coming off anyways." He let out a laugh as his fingers slid through his brown curls. After a short silence of just staring at each other he grabbed my waist and pulled me in. His lips quickly attached to mine. I gently pulled my body as close to him as possible eliminating the air between us without breaking the kiss. He seemed to want more. His hands retracted from my bum to my shoulders. To let you know i was wearing a blouse with a pencil shirt on. He tugged at the blouses' pink buttons. He pulled them one by one and i was breathing heavy. As i slightly rose my head, Harry bit his lip and unbuttoned the last button. He pushed the shirt slowly off my shoulders and it hit the ground. He traced the swirls on my laced white bra. I pulled him into a long heated make out session.

As i pulled away i happened to lift my head to the clock while getting air and saw it was 10 minutes till lunch. I let my head fall back to Harry's level and saw him look at me with his emerald green eyes. They incited me. I wanted to look at them for hours. His hand crept to the back of my bra. I gasped at his cold hands. His eyes met mine. " Is something wrong?" He asked curiously. I shook my head in a no formation and he tried to unclip it. Thoughts started to fill up in my brain. STOP!! My thoughts took over my actions. I grabbed for his hands and held them in front of me. "I have to go." I hated to say it but if i stay any longer (Bow Chika Wow Wow) would've happened. He didn't let go of my hands. " Why, did i do something." His british accent boomed in the empty room. I pulled my hair back into its original form and slid my satin blouse and buttoned it back up. He looked sad and put his shirt back on. " No you didn't do anything wrong. It was great but we have to go to lunch don't we??" I asked with a devilish smile. He smiled and followed me once his shirt was on. As i unlocked the door, i saw Alexis and Lisa waiting for me at my office. They didn't see me thank god. I glanced over at Harry, "Go, text me where you wanna go and i'll meet you there." He responded. " No, i'll wait for you in the lobby and we'll hang with the boys the paps are gonna tear you apart if you walk out here alone. His dimples made my arms get goosebumps up and down them. I inhaled and replied with, " Ok, meet you downstairs, it will take me a second to get my bag." He nodded and was hesitant to let go of my hand. As my fingers were free of his grip, i sadly walked back to my office.  


"Hey, what you doing for lunch?" Alexis asked. " I'm going out with the boys.wanna join." I asked them. "Yeah, were not doing anything!" They said in unison. I grabbed my bag and we headed out. I'll go in my car and you guys i'll text you the place-address." " kay, see you there." They smiled and went into their offices. I pushed the down button to the lobby. I pulled on my peacoat jacket and slung my purse over my shoulder.  


" Hey," greeted Harry. I saw the flashing lights outside and braced myself for the screaming and questions. He held out his hand. I loved the thought but refused because of what the paps would think were dating. I ended up holding on tightly to his hand anyway. As we walked past the paparazzi they flashed cameras and screamed question. He whispered to keep my head down and het in the car. I got in the passenger side of his range rover and he jogged to his side. The people outside kept asking me questions like ARE YOU TWO DATING?? Or WHERE ARE YOU GOING?? I ignored them and Harry drove away. When we were ahead of the chaos he leaned over and asked, " You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. That was pretty hectic huh? I can't imagine what its like to live with that. " i told him. " Yeah, but after awhile you get used to it. Once you find a distraction, it becomes pretty easy to forget them." He chuckled. He set his hand on mine and i blushed. We stopped at a red light. I pulled out my phone without letting go of his hand which now gripped mine tight. One- new text- ALEXIS- Where are we headed?- i asked Harry where we were going. " uh... Louis' place. " he told me the address and i typed it in on my phone. I clicked send. I told him that i invited Alexis and Lisa and he thought that Niall would love this. "Why?" i asked when the light changed from red to green. " Oh he didn't tell you? He has a MAJOR crush on Alexis." I smiled, " Funny she has a crush on him too!"

We laughed as Harry pulled up to Louis house. I tried to step out but Harry ran to my side and opened the door. I giggled at his gestures. He acted like he was a price bowing down to a princess. He grasped my hand as he knocked on the wooden door. Louis opened up the door "Hey!" He greeted. Just then Alexis and Lisa showed up. " hey, were here." They exclaimed. I slowly let go of Harry's hand so they wouldn't suspect anything. He knew what i was doing and did the same. When our hands were at our sides i hugged Lisa and Alexis. We all got invited in by Louis and me and Harry were the last to come in. He faintly whispered in my ear as we walked in, " You're gonna have to make up for that." "What i asked?" "Letting go of my hand." He smirked. " Whatever you say." I whispered back as i picked up my pace . Now in front of him. I couldn't believe that i was 'being' with Harry. I felt so rebellious. I loved that. I realized that Harry completed me. To bad he's getting married. DAMN IT!!! That thought crept back into my mind. I still didn't care. I was somehow someway gonna win over Harry Styles. It would never happen. I knew how crazy it sounded in my head, but never say never right??

Love. It's Complicated {completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu