Chapter 16

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    Ashleigh's P.O.V

          I tugged at the hem of my dress and sighed. I sat on the very comfortable black couch and waited for the guests to arrive. Alexis only invited the guys and a few people from work. Today was our last day before going back to work so we can't get hammered. I got up from the couch and went into my room. I sat on the light blue comforter and grabbed my phone. Harry had'nt texted me back at all. I did'nt know what was going on. What did Alexis tell him. He had left right after Alexis talked to him and didn't even say goodbye to me. I layed back onto my pillow and played a game on my phone. I was clueless to what i had done or said to make him not talk to me. Could it have been that i kissed him and he didnt want to kiss? Or the fact that i came on to strong? I had to quit thinking about it. At least until he arrived at the party.  I grabbed my headphones and drowned everything out.


 It had to have been at least 20 minutes since i came in here. I sat up off the bed and turned off one of my favorite song (Avicii- You Make Me) I set my phone down and walked into Alexis' room. "Hey, whats going on?" She asked with enthusiasm. I sat on her bed and responded. "Nothing, Just wandering." I lied. I was waiting for the right moment to ask her what happened with Harry earlier but when i opened my mouth to talk the doorbell rang. "There here"She announced. Crap. As i walked out of the room i went into the living room I saw Harry at the door. Now's my chance i should go ask him about earlier. But then I saw he wasn't alone. He came in and walked towards me with the blonde blue eyed girl. She was smiling at him and trying to walk fast to be right behind him. She held out her hand at me. Harry was the first to speak."Ashleigh, this is Lauren." "Lauren, this is Ashleigh." I looked over at Harry wondering what the hell was going on and who the F*** was she/ "Who is this." I said as calm as i could pointing to her. He seemed as if he was hiding something. Which I'm sure was the case. his girlfriend, friend or lover? I didn't know but he soon answered my question. "This," He started as he cleared his throat. "...Is Lauren my fiance.' His eyes widened at my expression which right now astonished. My mouth hung open in shock of the word 'Fiance' HE WAS GETTING MARRIED!!! I kissed him and we made out. He never told me anything. I slowed my breath trying not to get angered which clearly i had a lot of. So this is why he left without saying anything. So this is why Alexis talked to him...... I thought for a moment. If Alexis talked to Harry earlier about this then she must've KNEW!!. All of this was to much to take in but i plainly shook her hand. She gave me a smile. She was too friendly and she had a terrible face. She wasn't even pretty. I stopped hating on her and excused myself. She talked to Harry but when i looked back, he was staring at me with those 'sorry' eyes again. All that ran through my mind was that i was played lied to even if i didnt ask. It was still his fault. Maybe it was my fault for loving him and actually believing that he loved me too. 


         "You knew." I cooed as i walked into the kitchen not far from tears. I held them in so i could get an answer. "Ashleigh.... i...... was just trying to protect you...' I didn't even want to hear it. "PROTECT ME HE WAS IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE HE LOVES HER NOT ME. I CANT EVEN BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD KEEP THIS FROM ME." Now the tears started to stream down my puffy red cheeks from all the screaming. I looked at her and turned to walk away but she softly spoke before i went, "I told him....... I told him to not get close to you...... that he couldn't have both of you.... i swear he just told me before you guys kissed earlier." She turned back around to finish the snacks for the party. I walked back in and made her turn around. I pulled her in for a hug. We both apologized at the same time. How could i be mad at the girl who helped me through all of my problems and all of my hard times. I cried endlessly into her neck. Harry had deeply wounded me. "Fiance." I sniffled into Alexis' blonde hair. "I know, i know i should've told you right away. " She comforted. When i wiped my years i walked to the mirror in the hall. no puffy cheeks, no tears, no evidence that i had even cried at all. Alexis peered around the corner. "Are you ok."  "Yes, I'm fine" I lied. She hesitated to go back in the kitchen. I shooed her and studied myself in the mirror. The reflection staring back at me was'nt who was staring back 10 minutes ago. A happy carefree beautiful girl who loved a certain guy and wished for a chance with him.  But know that girl was gone broken. you may not think that something this minor could change everything but that's where your wrong Harry was a guy who i thought i could love and be with and hed be the same about me but i guess I'm to stupid to see the harsh reality. He doesn't love me he doesn't want me he doesn't want my love and he obviously wants to be with someone else. And when i thought about all of this i was better. I felt that if i fought through i would be ok and in this moment that's exactly what i was going to do.

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