Chapter 10

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"Well you'll never guess what just happened."Alexis chimed. "We are going to be working with for One Direction! Can you belive it!!!!" Interupted Lisa. They danced around the office and pulled me out of my seat to do the happy dance with them. I had to call Harry. I stopped 'Happy dancing' with them and grabbed my cell. "Let's go introduce you to some of the nicer people her."Lisa offered. "I'll be there in one second." I said. Once they both left I picked up my phone and dialed Harry's number. After a couple of rings he picked up. "Hello love," His voice sounded even sexier over the line. "Hi, were you informed that the Fitzpatrick Fashion Company was going to be working with One Direction.?" I asked him. "Yes i just found out not to long ago. How's your day been going." Harry had changed the subject. "Good no actually great. I just moved into a huge office that's mine and i love it here. I'll tell you all the details at lunch." I smiled at the thought of seeing him again. "Yes sounds wonderful. Oh sorry love the boys and i have to go rehearse a new song. See you soon." He said." Bye see you then." I replied. "Love you." Harry quickly mummbled before hanging up. Love you ? Was that for me? It felt nice to be told that again.

After i put my phone back into my skinny jeans pocket i went outside to join Alexis and Lisa laughing with other designers and workers. "Hey" Lisa called. "This is Sarah, Madison and Amanda. I shook their hands and Alexis pulled me aside. "I invited some of our friends over for a party tonight. Wanna go and get dresses during our lunch break?" Alexis told me. "I actually have to go to lunch with Harry and the boys." "Ok do you want to go after work?" She asked. "yeah sure meet back at our place.?"I answered. "Great!"Alexis said excitedly. I looked at my phone, it was 11:54. I said goodbye to the others and went back in my officeI quickly grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder i pulled out my makeup bag. I usually didnt wear makeup but i only had lipstick lip gloss and chapstick. I put a little bit of my cherry chapstick and headed out the doors of my office. I clicked the button to the lower floor and waited. I pulled out my phone to see a new text message. FROM- HARRY. Hey baby girl. where u at? I smiled ear to ear at the thought of being called baby girl. The doors to the elavator opened. I stepped in and pushed the 1st floor button. There was no one in the elavator so i pulled out my ear buds and put them in my ears and turned on Ray Charles I Got A Woman. His music was great, so was Elvis presely's and im not just saying that because Harry likes him. He was a really good singer. I hummed to the beat and the doors opened i slid my hands in my pocket filldling for my keys.

As i found them I got to my car. I had a Range Rover. So did Harry. I slammed the door shut and put the keys into the ignition. I drove to his recording studio across the city.When i arrived i walked to the entrance and opened the two big doors. I walked through the lobby and told the lady i was here to see One Direction. She smiled and sent me on my way. Once i opened the door to the studio i heard a bunch of voices singing. I looked to see Harry and four other attractive guys in a booth singing a really good song. I sat myself down in an empty chair. The boys were fooling around and having a great time as far as i could see. Once the boys laid eyes on me they quit fooling around and stopped singing. There mouths hung open and they just stared. I looked behind me in the hall to see what they were looking at. There was no one there and i realized that they were looking at me. I smiled and waved. Harry smiled and waved back. He moved towards the door and told the recording guy sitting at the controls they were going to lunch. They boys almost ran to tthe door to get out. I shook their hands one by one and they smiled stupidly. The first guy was a boy with blonde hair and a really nice smile."I'm Niall" He said. Then all the others came over to shake my hand. "I'm Liam" , "I'm Zayn," "I'm Louis". "So where do you guys want to go to lunch?" I questioned. Harry was the only one to respond, "Um, wanna go to the cafe' down the street.?"Harry wondered. "Yeah, great lets go i'll drive." I offered. The boys followed me to the car. Harry sat in the passenger seat and the other four boys sat in the back. I turned the radio on and fly me to the moon by frank Sinatra came on. Niall went crazy singing every line, "Let me play along the stars, let me see what spring is like, on~a Jupiter and mars." Harry leaned over and spoke softly. "He really likes Frank Sinatra." I snickered. " I can tell." When we arrived at the cafe' Harry would'nt stop staring at me. Harry sat next to zayn and Liam, ,and I sat in between Louis and niall. Harry moved to the back of the booth so we were facing each other. When the waitress walked to our table and greeted us, my phone buzzed.

TEXT MESSAGE- UNKNOWN. Please Ashleigh just talk to me. All i want is us again.- I took a breath to stop the tears from rolling down my face. I blocked his number again and put my phone back into my pocket. The lady took our orders and went to make them. I talked with Niall and Louis for a bit. Turns out we have a lot in common. Louis is the leader of the band and Niall is the shopper. I'll have to go to the mall with him some time. He has good taste in clothes. Zayn is the gorgeous on i'm told and liam is the responsible one. I already knew what Harry was- the flirt-.

Harry just sat in the booth on his phone looking up every 5 seconds to smile at me. Of coarse i smiled back. When our food came Niall and me were done in a matter of minutes, figuratively speaking. We talked till the rest of the guys were done. When Louis went inside to pay me Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall stood outside. I rubbed my hands together and stuffed them inside my north-face coat pockets. Harry had gotten a text and pulled his phone out of his skinny jeans. He glanced at it and quickly put it back looking around as to see if anyone saw especially me. Why was Harry acting so weird?

I didn't think anything about it. Louis came out of the cafe' and started back to the car motioning me and the others to follow. "The studio is waiting for us. They want to record the next song." Louis explained as we all piled into my Range Rover. I turned the heat on and started to the studio. "This was fun. We should do it again." Harry stated while flashing me a cheeky grin. I gave them hugs before they returned inside. Harry was the last one to give me a hug. He hugged me firm and placed his hands on me like we were at prom or something. I hesitated for a second and embraced the hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me up off the ground,"Harry put me down" I shrieked while laughing. "Why this is fun." Harry smirked. All the other boys were inside already and it was only me and him. As he started to put me down his hands held onto my waistline. Our faces were inches away. I could feel his hot breath on my face. It sent goosebumps to run up and down my arms. Harry moved his face in closer and our lips met. It seemed that the kissed lasted forever. Time stopped and my heart rate sped up. I placed my hands on his neck and his hands were running up and down my back. As we moved away slowly i felt like the only thing in the world mattered was me and Harry.

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