Chapter 37

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Ashleigh's POV

When Alexis came home that night i talked with her. She left me alone to be depressed knowing nothing could bring me out of this one besides some time alone. I spent 4 whole days being sad. I ate and drank but never left the house. I basically was turning into spongebob in that one episode where he doesn't go outside because he got his butt broke. Well I'm in my house because my heart was broke. Shattered into a million fricking pieces. Harry hadn't called or texted. So i figured that he was out with his wife probably making sweet sweet love to her. I shook of the brutal and disgusting thoughts and went on with my boring worthless life. Talk about forever alone.


Harry's POV

I cried myself to sleep at night. Barely said hi to anyone and didn't even bother to go on social media. It would only remind me. I had no reason to get out of bed anymore. Ashleigh hated my guts and probably wanted me for dead. Lauren was probably stripping for some low life for even the tiniest bit of money to get by. There was a knock on the door. "Hello, Harry are you in there mate?" It was Zayn. He opened the door a crack and peered through. "Harry quit moping get up enjoy life." He now came in the room sitting on the bed next to me. "Lad, stop killing yourself over something you cant control." He patted my back. I was silently crying. "Remember what i said after the interview a few months ago. Well you can be with her. Don't take my shitty advice. " he laughed. I wasn't laughing. "So get up and go out there and get your girl. She wants you. She even said it yesterday." I sat up and thought of that idea. I didn't know what she was feeling. She could be with me right now. I shot up not knowing how to say it but i didn't care i frantically ran around the house trying to find a clean shirt.


Ashleigh's POV

I cried and cried and cried. Just dwelling over stupid ass Harry. I swear i dehydrated from the lack of water. Tear stains marked my existence on my pillow. The sheets were messed up and i didn't even want to put effort into anything. I was on paid leave because of my pregnancy at work. I told Me. Fitzpatrick and begged him to keep it secret. he understood and promised to keep it secret. God bless that man. Alexis burst through my door. "Would you mind if i went to Niall's for a while?" I flipped myself over with what little energy i wanted to give. I rubbed my forehead. "Sure, be back whenever. I can manage." I cracked. She came over to me. " Are you sure. I.ll stay if you need me." I shooed her away. It was nice to see someone else happy right now. She left in an instant and i knew what she was going for. I heard her rummaging through the 3 drawer down in the bathroom. Oh you don't know what that is. Well, lets just say that Alexis keeps her um...... Protection yeah lets call it that, in there. I smiled for the first time in what felt like ages.


Alexis wasn't even gone for 15 minutes and i heard a knock at the door. I slowly walked to the door in no rush and opened it expecting to see Alexis 'forget' something but to my surprise. Well not a good one i saw the man who started this love triangle/frenzy in the first place. Harry.

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