Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning refreshed and ready to go. Even though i woke up at 3 am with Alexis. I got out of bed packed my pilow and blankets and set all my suitcases by the door. I was siked about the trip. I couldnt wait to get there and leave all the relationship troubles behind me. 

We both put all our stuff in the car and drove to the airport. when we got there we went to starbucks for a quick drink. I got a hot chocolate and she got a iced coffee. We sat in the waiting area and saw that are flight was next. Alexis and i got in the plane and settled in for a long ride. She closed her window and took a nap. I however, stayed up and listened to my playlists. I am a music junkie if you didn't already notice. I do anything and everything to music. I was ready to do everything I always wanted to do. Party, live in london, and most importantly be single again. Check, check, and check.


When the flight landed. I pulled out my earbuds and woke Alexis up." Alexis wake up. Were here!!!"

She woke up instantly and looked out the window with excitment. We both stood up and got our extra luggage out of the cabinet above our seats and exited the plane. " Oh, my gosh, look at how beautiful this place is!!"Alexis shrieked. When we left the airport alexis and i went to our new apartment. "This is so huge!!" I said with the sound echoing. We looked at each other and laughed. It had 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 walk in closets in each room, a humongous kitchen and living room. I walked straight past each room. All the rooms had white everything. "Where gonna have to paint this." I told Alexis. She replied with a definite yes. We gave each other a look and i grabbed the car keys.

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