Chapter 9

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"Hello" I cheerfully said to the desk clerk at Fitzpatrick Clothing company. The desk clerk looked up and answered,"What can i help you with today?" I answered"Im here for Mr. Fitzpatrick im the new employee." I smiled. She then picked up the phone and with her big gauty fake red nails called Mr. Fitzpatrick."Mr.Fitzpatrick the new girl is here to see you." She hung up and gave me a paper with instructions of who to find and what to do.I sent me to the top floor of the building. As i stepped on the elevator. I heard a "Hold it please!" I held the elavader A british women came on. She held what must've been a million papers. She ran her hands through her shoulder length slick black hair and held out her hand after finding the strength to hold the stack of papers with one hand. "Hi my name is Lisa." She smiled. I held out my hand and shook hers "Ashleigh". Her face had bags under her eyes and looked tired. "What do you do" I asked curiously starting to make conversation as i pushed the button to the floor I was going to. She looked at me and said "I'm a designer here and i work a lot. I help think of the new clothing ideas and make some of them. What are you here for.?" I told her."I'm an assistant designer and i think your my assistant. Judging by the name on this paper the desk clerk gave me." "Great follow me then the others will make a fool out of you if they find out that your new. " She explained. The door opened and i was astonished to see all the people moving around the cubicals and talking about designs and gossip. I followed Lisa quickly not to fall behind. People looked over and continued back to what they were doing. Lisa went intot he confrence room full of people and set the papers down at the end of the long table. Heads turned and stared. Lisa moitioned me to come in. I slowly walked in not knowing what to expect. People just gave me a blank stare. Lisa cleared her throat. "This is Ashley. She is another designer. She's new." People's faces grew a smirk and others laughed silently.

"She's my assistant so if you do anything to mess with her. I'll get you back." She had a finger pointing at certain people. Everyone's faces went back to normal. Lisa must've done something to one of them and didnt want to get the same treatment. Lisa stopped with her introducing me and flattened her dress. "Ashleigh you can sit anywhere." She pointed to a empty seat in the middle if the row on the left side next to two women. I went to the seat and sat down. Lisa began to pick up paper by paper and pin them to a board behind her. Just then a tall skinny man wearing a suit came in and sat in the center empty seat at the very end of the table. i knew who he was it was Mr. Fitzpatrick. The boss. He looked at me and back at Lisa. Lisa knew what he was looking at. "New girl." She then turned around and began pinning more pictures of beautiful dresses and outfits again. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out silently and looked at it. NEW MESSAGE-Hey, Hows new job goin? If you want to get together for lunch I can I got an hour. You can meet me and the boys at the studio if you want. XX HARRY. Text him back- Yeah sure luch breaks here are an hour. see you then. :) XOXO ASHLEIGH. I then slid my phone back in my pocket. The boss stroked his hand down his suit unimpressed. Lisa finished her talking about the designs and dissmised. When i got up and grabbed my bag the boss called my name and told me to come to his office. Lisa picked up the rest of the stack of papers and whispered to me as i walked out the door," Don't worry i'll wait for you outside and i'll show you around after. I smiled and mouthed thanks. I arrived at Mr.Fitzpatrick's office and stepped inside."Shut the door." He said. His voice was friendly and not anything of what you'd think it would sound like. "Your new so i'll tell you. Your ranking is high according to your resume' for this job. Your position is crucial for a designer. It's usually not given it's earned but your resume was outstanding considering how young you are. Don't dissapoint me Lisa clark is you coworker and her office is nex toyours. You'll be working together you'll also be working with a new employee as well Alexis Stevenson. Her office is on the other side of yours. There's meetings everyday. Be there. Welcome to Fitzpatrick Company> Glad to have you." I smiled and walked out of his office. I walked over into the office that had my name on it. It was beautiful. It had two big glass doors, a huge desk with a laptop, phone and a hunormous bookcase behind it. There was a wall of glass for a window that showed all the stores and houses for miles. It was breathtaking. I took a seat in the swirly chair and clicked the button to start the computer. As i spun around in the chair taking in all the of the new things and people around me Lisa came in with Alexis not far behind. "We have news." They both said in unison. "What?" I asked curious. They could barely stop smiling. I wanted to hear this.

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