Chapter 12

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As i was standing there my mouth hung open Ryan came over to me crying and on his knees. I backed up trying to stay away from him. He spoke no words knowing they would'nt work anymore. He held up a single rose and a card. He did'nt have to talk i saw it in his eyes. He was desperate. I just stood there and looked at him. I could'nt find the words to say. I took the rose and spun it in my hand. I was tired of my emotions being toyed with. I was now infuriated with him. I took the flower and threw it on the ground and kicked into the grass. He then looked in my eyes like i did something wrong. I didn't feel guilty. I did'nt care i just wanted to walk away. A tear rolled down my cheek and i quickly wiped it away. I sniffed in and only told Ryan this," I don't care about you anymore. I've moved on and i'm done having to deal with you. I want you gone. Don't bother me anymore or i will call the cops on you. I don't want to know how you got here or why your here. Don't speak just go away. I don't want to be with you anymore. There is no more hope for us. So stop trying to please me know and then throw me away when you've had enough. Goodbye Ryan. I never want to see you again." I walked past him without saying a word more. He screamed my name as me and Alexis walked in the house and broke down crying on the driveway. I was not in the mood for his crap. "GO AWAY," I screamed," DON'T EVER COME CRAWLING BACK AGAIN. YOU'RE JUST WASTING MY TIME I COULD BE USING TO FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL TREAT ME A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN YOU EVER DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I slammed the door and walked into my room and started to cry. I broke down. So many emotions came over me at once. I stopped crying and went out in the kitchen with Alexis. "Are you ok? That was pretty bad. I tried to tell him to leave before you got back but i couldn't get him to leave you alone. He just went on and on about your fairy tale ending and crap like that. He would'nt shut up." She explained with sympathy. I placed my head in my hands and softly moaned. "I'm just done trying to get him to leave me alone. I don't know why he is even trying. He just thinks i'm gonna cave in and let him back in my life like i always do. Well i'm not so he can go and cry all he wants." Alexis' just agreed knowing i didn't want to talk and rubbed my back. "Want me to cancel the party and we'll have a girls night with sad movies, food, and gossiping." She asked I wanted to party to take my mind off of all the drama. "No, don't cancel the party. I want to have a good time with everyone." I persuaded. She didn't agrue and went into her room. "Do you want to go shopping still or stay home." I took my head out of my hands and just smiled at her. "Yeah, i should've known you never turn down shopping." She giggled. I grabbed my purse and put on a brave face and stayed at Alexis' side when we walked past Ryan and got into the car. As we drove away i looked back at him. The look on his face made my heart shatter into a million peices. Even if i hated him i still had feelings for him.

Love. It's Complicated {completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu