Chapter 29

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When i woke up i felt a pounding in my head and i had the urge to throw up. I made beeline to the bathroom and let my dinner spill into the toilet. Must be the food from last night. I wiped my mouth and brought a bucket out to the kitchen with me. I felt extremely noxious and i needed to call in sick to work. I dialed the number and heard it ring. "Hello, Fitzpatrick fashion company this is Marie how may i help you?" I answered back hoarsely, " Uhmm, It's Ashleigh Smith, I'm calling in sick.' I gagged and set the phone down while i threw up into the waste basket. The lady knew and said she would tell him personally. I clicked the end call button weakly and went to go lie down. I didn't have a temp or a cold. I hope i didn't have the flu.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 DAYS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had to go to the doctors. I had been throwing up for the past 2 days and it was always for no reason. I had nothing to eat that would have caused this. I picked up my phone and called my doctor and she told me to come in as soon as i could. I got dressed as comfortable as i could and climbed in the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~15 MINUTES PASS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I took a breath to not throw up when i walked into the office. I signed in and waited as the nurse called my name with a clipboard in her hand. She escorted me to the room and took tests on me. Drew my blood and took a scan for any tumors like they had originally thought. She told me she would be back in a couple minutes.

I waited and waited until the doctor came through the door. "Hi, how are you Miss Smith?"

"Well, not as good as i look." She laughed and sat down on her chair. "So there's some news." She started. " Have you had sexual intercourse in the last month? I hate to be in your business." I gasped and felt a tear roll down my face, " How could i be so stupid!" I whispered to myself. She heard and told me, " Your pregnant." I started to cry and sob into her white coat, " How am i going to tell him?!!" She comforted me and gave me papers and tips. I thanked her and left. Could my life get any harder?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I haven't told anyone i was pregnant except Alexis. She swore to keep it secret and i liked it that way. It was the day. Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and louis were coming home. I was nervous as hell.

They stepped out of the plane towards the entrance of the airport bags in hand and laughing. I would ruin his career if i told him and he wouldn't even want to be with me. I had to forgive him and just be friends for real this time. They all greeted me and Alexis with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Everyone hugged me and said they missed us. Harry came up to me and gave me a bear hug, " You don't know how bad i missed you." He jolted away. My heart rate picked up and a scared but happy expression appeared in his face. He tried to grab my wrist but i put it gently behind my back. When him and the boys had to leave he wouldn't quit staring at me. I wore a baggy shirt to hide the small bump that was forming not big but you could tell. "What is he creepily staring at you for." My mouth hung open, " I think he might know." She grasped my hand. " He should know he needs to." " I cant ruin his life over the mistake we both made. " she just glared at me and we walked to the car. I wanted to tell him. Deep deep down i love him. I wonder if he loves me. I will have this baby. I will have to stay away from him and never let him know. EVER. Point blank period.

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