Chapter 25

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Hey everyone hope you like the story!! Uh, i obviously can't do anything right so i cant put pictures on the side so Jeremy the guy who likes Ashleigh is Cameron Dallas. I know he is super hot and funny. i'm sorry that i can't show you guys a pic. :(


Ashleigh's POV

Last night was the longest night of my life. I got no sleep. Well with the circumstances of my situation it wasn't surprising. Harry didn't like me. I was being used and i was to blind to see it, by his charming abilities and charisma. He showered me with 'love' and it was all  fake. I didn't understand love anymore. I thought i had a clue but obviously i don't. I needed to move on. I sighed and got up from my messy bed. The covers were thrown over the right side of the bed and my pillows were scattered over my room. I shuffled over to my dresser and looked into the mirror. My hair was frizzy and my face was a wreck. I had no intention of trying to look presentable their was nowhere to go or do. I moaned and slid my slippers on and walked down the hall into the unoccupied kitchen. I swung the door to the fridge open and found nothing good enough. (Which rarely ever happens.) I glanced at the package of glazed donuts and took one. After i finished it i sat on the couch and clicked through the channel when i found The Alan Carr Show. I loved him. He was hilarious. 


 After 4 hours on that couch Alexis finally had enough. "Ashleigh Jeannette Smith!" I knew what she was trying to do. "Get off your ass and get the hell outside!" She came over to the living room and pulled the blinds up. I made a hissing sound. "Don't be such a lazy ass!" Alexis then came over to me and tried to pull me off the couch. She wasn't winning this fight. I clung onto the arm of the sofa and dug my nails into it. "C'mon!!!!!" She yelled as she finally pry-ed me off. "Why" i moaned snatching a pillow while i layed still on the floor. " Well, for starters, you need to get a move on and stop thinking about it. I groaned once again and tried to get up. Once i was standing Alexis tried to get me to get dressed, "Really this?" I said as i pointed to the "Free Hugs" tee and white pants. " Yes, and your going to look beautiful." Alexis exclaimed. I sat down on the bed and fiddled with my hair until she came back out with a brush and a pretty pink bandana. "NO, don't!!!!!!! i don't wanna!' I whined like a three year old not wanting to go to school. " Alexis! Just let me work this out." I suggested but she already knew my tactic. Don't do anything and then not be productive for a week. Then finally get back in the grove but she couldn't take that let alone me be unproductive for 2 hours then a week. 'No," She gave me a stern look and then put my hair up. "Ugg, i feel to fancy' I really didn't feel like that but i wanted to be alone. Alexis will never do that. I put my lip gloss on when Alexis stared me down for not wanting to. We then had to go someplace. UGGG!! i didn't want to go anywhere. "Let's go!!' She said as she grabbed my hand and we were off. 


     "What do YOU want to do?" Alexis asked me furrowing her brow looking at ball the stores. I glanced around knowing i had to stop complaining some-time. "H & M." I replied softly. Then Alexis started for it. I trailed behind and went straight to the back where the good sweaters and shirts were. I found a pretty button down laced white long sleeve shirt with a undershirt that was white too. I went into the dressing room and tried it on. "Perfect' I whispered to myself as i spun around in the mirror. I then proceeded to take it off and put my sweatshirt back on. Then my phone went off loudly. I fumbled through my pant pockets and found it. I scurried to answer it but before i could push answer, I saw the caller id and name. Harry. I started to take in bigger breaths and watched as my ring tone echoed in the dressing room. I couldn't- and wouldn't answer it. It would only make me want him again. I inhaled a breath and pushed deny.  This was going to be unbearable to try and forget his hands on me and his voice telling me he wants me and his kiss and- Stop! I pushed the thoughts and memories out of my mind and fixed the few curly stray hairs on my forehead as i opened the door and met Alexis at the cash register. I hope i could get over Harry and start fresh. Once again. 

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