Chapter 22

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I felt something shift on the other side of my king sized bed and i turned just thinking it was me or Alexis in the next room, but when i turned over to my right i saw a shirtless masculine tattooed guy. Harry. I stuttered something under my breath, " Oh, my god!!" I flipped the covers and jumped out of bed. He moaned at the movement of the bed and puled my soft covers over his head. I look at myself in the mirror. I looked good for what happened. I couldn't believe what i did. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn't fathom what i had done. I had slept with an engaged man. I stared at him in the reflection of my mirror. He turned over and laid sprawled over the entire bed. I smiled even if i was pissed at myself. I came to the fact that i was naked. I sprang to my big walk in closet and grabbed a bra and a tee-shirt for today. I didn't have to go to work today. Thank the lord. I wouldn't be able to move a pencil let alone be able to concentrate on what i was supposed to. When i looked back i saw Harry staring at me with a big cheeky grin. " Morning beautiful." He croaked in his sexy crackling morning voice. "Morning." I replied plainly. He stood up and slid on his boxers and his jeans from the night before. "Would've brought a change of clothes if i knew what was going to happen." He joked. I chuckled and he came up behind me. I pulled on some panties and as i was pulling up my sweatpants i saw him staring out of the corner of my eye. "Hey! Quit staring!" I accused. "What you look good?!" He said in his defense.

As i went to the drawer next to my bed i grabbed a pair of socks and slid them on. "You look hot." Harry pointed out. "Well, i try." I said with a big smirk finally letting go of the whole 'incident' that happened. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Alexis wasn't home so i figured Harry could just get out before she gets back. I didn't know when but he'd have to leave. Fast. I felt his presence and turned while brewing some tea. "So, last night....." He started. I gave him a look. " You want to talk about it.?" I questioned stupidly. "No i was just gonna say you were good.!" His face turned a wee bit red and he rubbed his neck in embarrassment. I set my warm mug and walked over to him lazily. "You were good to." I kissed him on the cheek and continued my 'brewing'. I heard the door being unlocked. " Go put on a shirt now, hurry!" I yelled at Harry quietly. He went to my room and slid his black and white tee on and came and sat at the granite bar dividing the kitchen and living room apart. I gave him the cup of tea and Alexis walked in. " Hey you won't believe what happened last ni-" Alexis looked up as she walked in the kitchen. " Oh, hi Harry?" She said puzzled. "What you doing here so early?" She was curious. "Just stopped by to say goodbye cause I wont be back until the end of january." He blurted out. "Oh well its sad that you guys will be gone for so long." She made a frowny face. I grasped my tea and took a sip. She began to set her things down. She left the room to go in her bedroom. "I'm taking a shower!" She called from her room. "Okay!" I yelled back. Harry got up thanked me for the tea. He came to me and gave me a hug ended with a super long kiss. When we separated there was a sad look in his eyes and a long silence. " Well i'll see you..." He croaked sadly and i thought i saw a tear escape from his eyes. I took a breath and nodded. He picked up his phone and said, " I'm calling you everyday.So be ready." He laughed and waved. I took another sip of my tea as i watched him put his jacket on and leave.


I sat for the rest of that long tiring day on my tan couch watching sad movies and catching up on my favorite tv show psych. About 4:00 i heard my phone go off. I got off the couch and gripped the sides off my Neon purple phone case, "Hey, whats up?" I said into the phone, it was Harry he had needed to talk to me after his flight out to the states. I took a sip of my now fourth cup of tea and made a refreshing sound. "I'm just so glad to hear you voice," he said. " I'm glad i could make you happy." I snickered. "You make me happy in other ways to but i cant say those at the airport." He was obviously with the boys cause i heard major laughing in the background. "Harry Edward Styles," I sternly stated," It was a one time thing and don't go telling everybody." I playfully argued. "Sorry i can't help picking out your perfect details and talents." I was blushing badly and i was in desperate need of water. So i grabbed the next best thing, my tea and basically downed it. When he started to mumble something to someone else he said, "I got to go hun, but wish me luck at my concert tonight, i'll be wishing you're here." He said i love you and hung up. I returned to my show and couldn't focus. "He just called me hun." It made me smile ear to ear and i flipped my phone in my hands wishing i was with Harry when i came to the shocking horrifying factor that i was having an affair with a man from one of the world biggest boy bands. An engaged one at that. Which made it even worse.

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