Chapter 30

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Wooohooo chapter 30 Thank you all who are reading and enjoying this story!!


Over the course of the next few days Harry wouldn't keep his cheeky smiles to himself. I tried to avoid him but he always seemed to be going where i was going. Him and Lauren were back to their loving touching selves. I was happy for them. I couldn't complain even if i did still want Harry.


1 week later

I hadn't became huge like i thought if anything i was shrinking but i looked the exact same way i did before the pregnancy. I had major cravings but those were normal. I had mood swings but was never angry. Something had to be wrong. I couldn't focus at work because of all the stress. Alexis vowed to help me raise the baby and i thanked her from the bottom of my heart for helping me out.


"Hey, you need to get up." I heard an unfamiliar voice call out. It wasn't Alexis and it wasn't Lisa. I shot up from bed and pulled the covers over my shivering body even though it was 70 degrees in the house. I knew the voice from somewhere but couldn't place it. It was........ British. "Harry?" My thick crackling voice called out into the dark room. "Yes, it's me." My heart sunk into my stomach and i almost started to cry. I heard him come closer and i held the covers tightly around my belly not to let him see the bump that was getting more noticeable. "I know." His voice was now not calm it was shaky and scared. "Whats wrong." I gulped not wanting to hear the words come out of his mouth. " You still love me." I sighed in relief as the pressure i was under now flew away. My body became less tense as he sat on the bed next to me. That part of the bed sunk down and he tried to stroke my thigh. I pulled away slowly not wanting to but his hand tended to wander. "What makes you say that?" I choked. The room fell so silent you could hear a pin drop. "Because i can see it in your eyes. The sadness and the lust. I know you want me. Cause i want y-" he stopped himself remembering our phone call of 'no more sneaking around'. He placed a kiss on my temple and left saying not another word. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.


Harry had left not even 10 minutes ago and i had already begun to fantasize about 'us'. When i put those 'thoughts' elsewhere i walked into the kitchen ready to devour anything and everything. I saw a pink laced invitation with hearts on the counter. I curiously walked over and ran my finger tip over the fold. I lifted it and broke the seal. I unfolded the letter and began to read:

Come experience a wonderful and beautiful moment with the wedding of

Harry Edward Styles and his beloved bride Lauren Elaine Hoffman

I felt a tear fall and blotch her middle name on the paper. I knew this was happening but not so soon. I guess he really loves her. I saw the date and time and wondered if it was worth my time to watch him get married to someone who should be me. But on the other hand if I didn't go then I wouldn't be supporting them and I do. So I wrote the date and time in on my puppy calendar and went back to my day.

Harry's POV

I sighed as I pounded my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of a song. I hummed along with it but soon it faded when I realized I was going to see Lauren about the details of the wedding. A moan escaped my mouth. I had faked the lovee dovee crap so Ashleigh would get jealous and want me again. She does and I wanted to kiss her but she's obviously not interested enough.

10 minutes later

"Hey!" I said greeting her with a kiss and a hug. I ran my hands through her blonde hair and smiled into her blue eyes. We ended up talking about 2 hours for the wedding. I really didn't want to have part in the wedding planning let alone be there. I loved Lauren but no more than a girlfriend. If that makes any sense. I drummed my hands on the mahogany table and began to have a flashback:

"I love you." Ashleigh spoke out of breath as she fell on top of me. I panted and looked at her hair messily scattered all over. It turned me on.

"Round two?" I smirked. She bit her lip whilst running her hands up and around my shoulders pacing a kiss on my lips, " definitely"

End of flashback

I slightly realized that i had my hands over my pants and was out of breath. Almost as if i was reliving it. I soon calmed myself down without anyone noticing. It was getting harder and harder to resist her.

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