Chapter 34

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Ashleigh's POV

I had a plan. One that would work. Hopefully. I was now jittery with the ideas rushing through my head when i realized i would ruin the wedding. I couldn't do that to him. Believe it or not Harry actually had feelings for Lauren. I didn't know how or why but he did. I had to figure out another way.


I sat there for at least a good 10 minutes trying to find a loophole or something that i could work with and save him from being unavailable. Forever. Alexis drove right up to the church and we got out. I fought back tears ever time i saw a sign with their name on it or people shaking hands with each other and talking about... Them. I choked them down when we walked up the stairs and into the building. While we were waiting to sign in our names i gave a little prayer to god that my new plan would work and we moved up.


My breaths were shallow when we sat down. I had to calm down if this was going to work. We waited and talked with friends of Harry's that i knew from when i was younger or childhood friends from when me and Harry were kids. Such good memories. When i thought about those good times my world wasn't falling apart it was standing still.


The wedding would be starting in a couple minutes and so was my plan. The music started as i saw Harry standing at the top of the stairs. This was my worst nightmare. Harry was staring at me and i stared right back. He must've been nervous cause his facial expression was weak and scared. I looked over at Lauren. I hated this i should've never came. She looked really good. I mean really. Coming from me about her yeah it had to be good. Her boobs looked huge and her face was so happy. Her dress was slutty. I looked over at the painted cathedral windows and saw directioners outside. Some looked angry and some looked happy. Some even started a chant of how they hated Lauren. I silently joined in. When the music stopped my heart rate sped up. I could feel it pounding out of my chest. I was hyperventilating and Alexis saw, "you okay?" She whispered. "Yeah." I played it off cooly and continued to watch, they were reading there vows. I rolled my eyes at Lauren saying that they'd be together as long as fate would let them. Harry was next i leaned in slightly to hear what he was saying.


When he finished he gave a smile. A fake one. It wasn't a cheeky smile like you saw when he had some sort of prank pulled on you but a smile that he knew wasn't real but had to give it anyways. I crossed on leg over the other hoping to calm myself down. The preacher began to speak again, " If anyone objects to these two being married speak no or forever hold your peace." I opened my mouth but shut it ruining my whole plan. "I now-" "WAIT!" I screamed as i stood up. Heads turned and eyes widened at me. Shit. What do i do now.

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