Chapter 8

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Ashleigh's P.O.V The next day.

I woke up to my alarm clock screeching right in my ear. I groand and stuffed the pillow around my head covering my ears. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep since i was already awake so i had to get up. Plus it was my first day at my new designer company. I reached over my phone and turned the alarm onto snooze. I sat up out of bed and glanced at the mirror on the other side of the room. My hair was a ratsnest. I looked back over to the time. 5:56. Good i didnt have to leave until 7:00. I grabbed a towel and my clothes and brought them into the bathroom. I quickly got undressed and turned the water on warm. When i reached for my towel it wasnt there. That's strange. I thought. So i slipped out of the shower and peered around the corner into my bedroom i looked for any ohter towels but i couldnt find one. As i scanned outside my door I saw Harry tiptowing around the corner into the living room with all the towels. Dang it. I screamed his name"Harry give me back my towel!!" He came around the corner and saw me perring out my door with it closed almost all the way so he cant see my body. The cheeky grin i remembered appeared and it made me smile. "Harry Edward Styles.." I sternly looked at him. He walked over to me and handed me the towel and pulled it away everytime i went to grab for it. "Ok fine if i didnt like you so much." He grinned. I grabbed the towel and shut the door behind me as i dried off. When i was finished getting dressed i dried my hair. I brushed it and headed out into the kitchen.

"Why are you up so early Mr.Styles." I questioned. "Well that's a good question maybe i woke up to all the singing in the shower apparently some one does listen to One Direction." Harry laughed. When Harry laughed it made me feel happy and it made my heart pound faster than normal.. "Well if you must know i just downloaded songs yesterday night. So i didnt until after you told me and i think you are a really talented singer." I said with a hint of an attitude. I think he even started to blush. He rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something under his breath,"I need to tell you something." "What?" I answered softly thinking something was wrong. All of a sudden my phone went off. "One second i have to get that." I told him before jogging into my room to get my phone. UNKNOWN NUMBER. I didnt recognize the number so out of curiosity I answered. "Hello?" I said unsure of who was on the other end of the line."Hey, you finally picked up." I almost dropped the phone listening to the voice that sounded broken and worthless. "Ryan, I can't talk to you. I dont want to and i won't. You need to move on i did. So goodbye Ryan." I said sadly tring to hold in the tears. "No please just wait let me get this off my chest and my mind. I can't go another day without you. My heart filled with guilt and sorrow of losing you. I really need you back. I'm pleading on my knees. Take me back. I want you. I miss your touch. I miss your voice. Your hair. Your laugh.I miss YOU Most of all being able to see your pretty face everyday.All im asking is if you give me one more chance. Just one more chance. Third times the charm right?"

His words showered over me with emotions. I felt terrible. Actually i didnt know how to feel. I missed him too but i couldnt be hurt again. My eyes filled with tears and the came flowing down my face. I thought i could handle it but i couldnt. I found the words to say after not being able to think. "R-Ryan," I stuttered. " I-I cant t-take you back were d-done and over w-with leave me alone i cant talk to you ever again. I need to find someone new who will treat me better and who wont cheat on me and be their one girlfriend. I really hate to say it- no i dont hate to say it." My sadness turned into anger."I hate you i hate you so bad. i dont love you and i dont feel bad for it. Your a terrible person and i hope you can't live without me. Just go do whatever you want. just do exactly what you did when we were dating. I hope the next girl finds out sooner than i did that your a jerk and a self centered idiot. Goodbye dont call me again I hate you!!!" I clicked the 'end call' button and threw my phone on the other side of the bed. I cried into my pillow .

Harry came in and sat on the bed next to me asking what was wrong. His hand rubbed up and down my back. I loved when he comforted me. I sat up and wiped my eyes. "I kinda overheard what just happened."Harry said sweetly. "Yeah then you probabably know i had a really bad relationship." I confessesed. "It's ok ive had a few of those, myself." I got up and gave him a big hug. I needed that so much. I got off the bed and walked to the doorway. I turned around. "Harry? what did you need to tell me earlier?" I asked. Hiss expression sadenned and his mouth opened."Uh, nothing just it was.... nevermind." "Ok" I grabbed my purse and as Harry came out said thank you. And i went out to my car to go to work.

Love. It's Complicated {completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ