Chapter 32

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Harry's POV 5 days later

I still couldn't stop thinking about how Ashleigh was pregnant. She was hanging with a new guy lately. Maybe he was the dad. The lucky bastard. I huffed and walked over to the couch in my living room. Todat was our one day we had off when we weren't in the studio recording. There was 7 days left before i was offically a married man. Ashleigh didn't want me and i was already getting married to someone i loved. So i hated to say it but i was giving up. Yeah i know what you're thinking, 'he would never give up' but i had been trying for years to get her to want me. Ever since we were kids. She was the one girl who made me nervous whenever i saw her or heard her near. She only thought of me as a friend and i jacked it up when i said she wasn't my type to the interviewer. If you must know it was all in protection. If i could've i would've jumped up and screamed my love for her. My heart was all hers and i wanted it to be the same in Ashleigh's case but i guess i was wrong. With all thats happened i would say that fate isn't playing into my favor.

Ashleigh's POV

"Five fucking days!" I muttered while gritting my teeth at the tv. I was watching E! News and i should've turned the channel when i had the chance. Now i was enraged at Giuliana for talking about it. I loved Giuliana. She was amazing. I listened in to the tv almost pulverizing the remote by clenching my hand in it. I growled and my eyes narrowed at the sight of Harry and Lauren caught making out at a concert. Harry's hands were wandering and his eyes were closed. Lauren's eyes were completely open and hands were placed on her fat legs. She wore a hideous multicolored fleece dress thing that made her look even more portly and homely. I clicked off the tv in dissatisfaction. I had moved off of the couch and into my bedroom to sleep.

I had major pain and thought about this baby's future without a dad. I felt a stream of tears fall down my puffy cheeks and drifted into sleep.

3 days elapse

Harry's POV

I paced back and forth throughout my flat and wondered how life would be with a wife and a job to handle. I was turning from cheeky sexy loving Harry to depressed, grown up, serious Harry and i wanted out. It felt to weird.

Lauren strolled into the house making a racket kicking off her shoes and tossing her keys on the granite countertop. "Hey sexy." She said it almost as if she was trying to seduce me. She licked my bottom lip as she stood on her tippy toes to do so. I didn't want to have her right now not yet. Not ever. She then moaned and pulled of her shirt leaving her into her spaghetti strapped tank. I detached from her suction and spoke, " Hey, i'm sorry i just am not feeling up to it today." I frowned. She stood up, "Thats ok." She said almost as if she was waiting for that. " Then i will have to hit you extra hard when our wedding night arrives." She winked and walked of to her or sadly our bedroom and shut the door. "Great can't wait." I fixed my collar and stood up wanting to be able to have a real feeling of love again. But that chance is gone i was an idiot and ruined it. Like i always do.

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