Chapter 19

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Cat woke up and saw that she was on the floor, with Sam sleeping on her chest. She blushed and got up, putting a pillow under the sleeping girl's head. She then took a shower and texted Tori.

Cat: Hiiii! could you come get me for school today?

Tori: Sure, I'll be right over.

Cat: Kk see you. <3

Cat put on a shirt and some jeans and sat on the couch eating breakfast. She decided to leave a note for Sam. it was a Friday, which made Cat extra excited today because there were no kids that needed to be babysat for Saturday or Sunday. She thought about the night before and how she was too afraid to even look at Sam when they became intimate, she decided she would try to be intimate with her again tonight. Cat sighed and sat in silence, waiting for her ride. Half an hour later, Jade arrived; Tori nowhere to be seen. "Hey Cat." Jade said with a fake smile. "Hey Jade, what's up?" Cat asked. "Nothing much...just picking you up." Said Jade. She stared at the road and frowned while they were on their way to school. "Thank you for not stealing Sam." Cat said quietly and looked down. "Listen, that's the past now. I told you I can control myself if it means losing a best friend." Jade said. "But...why aren't you and Tori hanging out like you used to? I mean, you didn't at first but then you did and now-" Cat kept rambling until she was cut off by Jade. "Listen, I had a weak moment when I realized what I felt for Sam. Tori saw and pretended she wasn't jealous, now it's bottled up in her and she is going to explode at everyone if I don't talk to her about it." Cat looked at Jade and saw that she still had a thing for Tori by the way she talked about her and didn't use her last name to identify her. "I just don't want her to stop talking to me." Cat said sadly. "It's okay, she's just coming to terms with it. I'm the one she's mad at for even being alone with another girl, especially one that flirted with me once at a Christmas party in front of her face." Jade smiled at how rude and mean Sam was to everyone but her and Cat, her face turning red. "Yeah that does take guts." Cat agreed, but she frowned at Jade and became somewhat possessive. "She liked me first! If it wasn't for my pouty face, she wouldn't have went to the Christmas party." Cat said, slightly mad. "Relax Cat, I can't like her too?" Jade said in a questioning tone. "No you can't, then you guys will end up going out and I don't want her to leave me for someone who has more in common with her and can be....icky." Cat said. "You mean sex?" Jade said and Cat just shouted "Yes! I did mean that!" Jade looked at Cat, understanding why she was mad, but she pulled into the parking lot at their school. "I'm not going to do anything with her, she just drives both of us crazy. We can't let our feelings for her tear us apart, okay?" Jade said calmly. "Kk..." Cat nodded and got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Jade. Go talk to Tori." Cat said with a smile. "Will do." Jade said and smiled back at Cat. They went to class and enjoyed the rest of their day at school together as if nothing happened.

#secret admirer: A Sam and Cat puckentine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now