Chapter 3: Looking Back (Part 2)

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'I'm having trouble staying awake even if I'm in a rocking carriage. Although I see Gray isn't having any problem with sleeping' Erza thought to herself

She looked around, even the whole team is snoring now.

I couldn't blame them we were fighting non-stop back-to-back. The Grand Magic Games after that the battle on Crocus orchestrated by the Future Rogue Cheney. I honestly didn't think we would all survive that event, being surrounded by gigantic dragons and hundreds of hatchlings and all that. I'm relieved we all got to live through it. Now that everything is in peace for now I could relax. I drifted to sleep not a care in the world.

I dreamed about when we get back home to Magnolia everyone would be cheering after Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games.

The scenario of my dream then shifted to the time Jellal and I kissed before the Grand Magic Games. Oh how I wished Jellal didn't lie about having a fiancé, he's always been a terrible liar
I also knew why he lied. He's too racked up in his guilt for the things he's done over the years. That he doesn't deserve to be happy and must atone for his sins, but nevertheless I respected his wishes, but that doesn't mean my feelings for him haven't changed. Who knows maybe something good might happen someday and Jellal might change his mind.

My dream then shifted to the night in the middle of the GMG when I talked to Gray about  Juvia.

"You know that she loves you Gray" I said as Gray blushes

"You'll have to let her know about your feelings sooner or later" I said

"Yeah, your probably right Erza" Gray said

"Well... I'm one to talk about relationships" I said while thinking about my complicated relationship with Jellal

I hated to admit that I was kinda jealous of Juvia during Mirajane's bikini the bridal part I mean, when Gray swooped in and kicked Lyon Vastia in the face to claim Juvia. I also noticed lately Gray was protective over Juvia.

*Sigh* I wish Jellal was protective over me. Even though he was disguised as Mystogan he could at least swept me off my feet.

While I was dreaming a thought lingered in my mind.
When Gray told the carriage driver to stop, but then said never mind. I swear I saw Gray crying. 

Why was he crying?

I'll ask him about it later. I knew it was fine to ask. Because when we were kids Gray and I made a pact that we would tell each other our problems and help each other. Even if it's personal. By far Gray is the one I knew the most and I know he also knew me the most. He's also my very first friend in the guild. He's also the one who caught me crying by the river bank when we were kids. He convinced me that Fairy Tail is my family. For that day I'm grateful. This dream is making me remember memories with Gray. 

Like when I passed the S-Class Mage Examinations, he treated me to my very first strawberry cake, I wasn't very fond of sweets back then, but that damn Gray opened the world of sweets to me. That whole week I ate nothing but cake, then I got a toothache. Master Markarov and Gray went with me to Porlyusica to have my rotten tooth removed, the numbing potion didn't help with the pain, Master Markarov and Gray had to hold me down when Porlyusica extracted my tooth, during that I broke Gray's hand, it's a good thing Porlyusica was there to heal Gray.

Suddenly I was slightly awoken when the carriage hit a bump in the road.

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