Chapter 53: Stories Part 3 "Birthday Part 2"

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I felt something poking at me. On my butt.

"Gray are you packing heat right now?" I asked Gray

"Sorry about that. It's just you're so close to me" Gray said as he stroked my hair

"We can do it if you want?" I suggested

"I wouldn't want to make you sweaty and make your bandages wet" He gave his reason

"Also, I feel like I'm taking advantage of the situation just because you're blind." He added

"What if I really were blind? Would you still love me?"I asked out of curiosity

"Of course I would! No question!" He didn't even waste a second answering

"I'm glad" I rubbed my cheeks against his skin

"Was that a test?" He asked

"Not really just a wondering, that's all" I said simply

"Let me tell you something... This feeling, this bond between us is... something special. It goes beyond what our 5 senses can comprehend. It's more than just our time together or our memories together. I can't really explain this feeling... This... This... It just feels right, It feels like we're-" He said with passion in his voice as he played with my fingers.

"-Meant to be." The words came out of my mouth as I finished his sentence

"Yeah" He said in awe

I may not be able to see his face, but I could tell that he was flustered.

"I love you" He said out of nowhere

"I love you too" I said back

We kissed each other, no tongue. It's as if its to confirm our love for one another

Since my sight is suppressed, my other senses were dialed to eleven.

Everything seemed to turn in slow motion.

I swear in this moment. I heard the rhythm of his heart synchronized with mine, or was it mine that synchronized with his? Or it brought out a new rhythm from the both of us.

The smoothness and the warmth of his fingers as they intertwined with mine. The touch of his bare chest as I felt his heartbeat with every thump.

And Oh My God his smell. I've come to realize that I have a smell fetish... specifically for Gray. I would describe his scent as the scent of my partner, someone that I've come to trust, someone familiar, the scent of my mate. I found comfort in his smell every time that we've made love. I also think I may have affected Gray with my fetish. As I felt him taking a whiff of my neck... sometimes he goes for my armpits... he may be weird... I suppose I'm weird too.😏

My lips played with his, with each motion fluid, flexible, sensual, satisfying me beyond my wildest imagination.
The taste of his mouth always tasted of fresh cool mint. I can't seem to understand why doesn't he have morning breath. Not that I have anything to complain about. Perks of dating an Ice mage I guess. We've exchange saliva satiating our longing and stoking our desire for each other. His saliva wasn't the only bodily fluid that I've taken a liking to😏.

Hearing, touch, smell, taste... all of which I've loved taking Gray in.


"What was that?" I asked Gray

"I've set an alarm on my phone" He said

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