Chapter 11: Just a Dream

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The play started, everything went well despite all the ad-libbing and improvised lines
Lucy had to summon Horologium again to stop Erza from fainting due to stage fright.
Natsu flew out spitting fire everywhere, luckily he didn't fall this time with help of Happy and Carla of course.
Lucy's clothes caught on fire again, I tried to put it out with ice, but then Erza tattered Lucy's dress, every men in the audience loved it, at some point Taurus and Loke popped out. Taurus being the usual "I love your body princess" and Loke claiming he was the real prince which confused the audience. Wendy's lips puckered when she saw me and Loke, I guess she was still traumatized of the Eat a bunch of Pickled Plums act. Then at some point we started losing the audience, I thought I had no choice, I took of my top, then the girls started cheering and some of the men were screaming "He took off his top!"....

It was already night by the time the play ended

Rabian threw an after party after the play, Natsu and Happy were pigging out by the banquet table, Lucy, Wendy and Carla were talking with the other theater staff, while Erza was eating cake.
It was getting kinda crowded here, I decided to go up by the balcony upstairs to get some air.

I went to the wash room first to wash off the make-up on my face,
I look at the mirror with my face still dripping.
I see that the mark that Lucy drew is starting to fade away, I rinsed again in hopes of removing it completely but to no avail.
"I guess this is as far as it will get faded for now" I sighed
I also noticed that the vibrancy of the blue in my hair is also fading, my hair color was now dark blue instead of my usual raven colored hair, 'I guess Cancer used one of those less effective coloring solutions' I thought to myself 'But still I gotta ask Lucy to fix it first thing in the morning'.

I then finished up

Then went to the balcony facing the town

I leaned forward against the railings of the balcony
The fresh air that breezes in the night always calms me down, and seeing the glowing lights from the homes, the booths, and rides from the the town below isn't bad either.
I'm not one for absolute silence but hearing the indistinct chatter from downstairs makes me feel assured that I wasn't alone.

I felt a little sad but somehow felt at peace


We were walking away from the theater

"Uwaaah that was a good feast, I can't wait to drop-dead by a bed" Natsu said
"Aye, me too" Happy said with a satisfied tone while rubbing his belly
"Well luckily Rabian gave us some free rooms from the inn and offered us to stay for a week" Lucy yawned
"Maybe we can check out some of the rides tomorrow" Wendy said
"Good Idea Wendy" Carla said
"Hey where's Gray?" Lucy said
"Maybe he went on ahead to the inn?" Natsu yawned
"I didn't see him leave the theater" Wendy said
"You guys go on ahead without me, I'll look for Gray, maybe  he passed out by the side" I said

They all nodded and went our separate ways

I drew nearer to the theater when I heard fireworks going off, I looked up and saw the beautiful fireworks display, I saw something from the corner of my eye. It was Gray leaning forward against the balcony.

I went inside and went upstairs
I then found the opening to the balcony
I was only a few steps away from Gray

"Rabian offered us that we could stay for a week in one of the inns, we can do as we please starting tomorrow" I said as Gray was facing away from me

"Too bad, I'm leaving tomorrow" Gray said

I then went up next to Gray, I looked at him for a moment, his permanent marker tattoo now slightly faded, his hair now dark blue, he now looks like a mix between himself and Jellal. I decided not to point those out

"Are you in a rush?" I said

"No" Gray said

"May I ask why are you leaving?" I asked

"It's none of your business" He replied coldly

"Is there something wrong between us?" I asked

There was a moment of silence, then Gray faced me with closed eyes, he inhaled deeply then spoke.

"Over the last three days...I was thinking about you... thinking about me... thinking about us... what we're gonna be... then today I opened my eyes... it was only just a dream" Gray said with a heavy heart


He then started to walk away from

"Are we going to be alright?" I asked for the last time

Gray was facing away from me

Then Gray stopped walking and turned his head to the side to make sure I saw him,
I saw him with tears streaming down his eye, but he was forcing a smile. He then said...

"I'm not sure"

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