Chapter 33: Siege

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It has been a month since Team Natsu returned from our mission from the wizard saint Warrod Sequen.

We arrived at The Sun Village which covered in ice. Gray had his suspicions confirmed. That this was his fathers doing or rather Deliora in the guise of Gray's father. It was further confirmed when the Dragon Atlas Flame was temporarily ressurected. Atlas Flame said that an Ice Devil Slayer was responsible for freezing the village. Gray told me that he felt was responsible for not stopping Deliora.

Now we were back at the guild.

"Stop torturing yourself for something that you didn't do" I scolded

"But what if I was there to stop him?!" Gray answered back

"Then you would have died! As far as I know you've also convinced yourself that you can't defeat him yet" I said the truth

Gray seemed to take offense at my words, but he soon realized it was the truth.

"Look at the bright side. We managed to restore the Sun Village and it's inhabitants" I stated

"I guess that's true. But still..." Gray muttered

"Would you stop beating yourself up about it. Look if you'd like, you can train with me if you'd want" I suggested

"I'll think about " Gray said bluntly

"Well putting that aside we still need to decide on what kind of theme we'll have for the wedding. What kind of flowers. Sending out the invitations. Figure out the centerpieces. The reception Venue. The seatings for the reception. I still need to go look for a wedding gown. We need to go cake testing. The cake one is our first priority. Where we'll go on our honeymoon...." I went on as I see Gray sweating

Mira and I took the responsibility of planning the wedding. Seeing as Gray was less enthusiastic about planning and organizing. Mira asked us when is date. Gray and I agreed on having the wedding a year from now. Just so we could save  up a few money so we could get a new place together. Gray and I can't really can't start a family in his current apartment. Gray volunteered on going on taking on some request to earn some money. He really didn't need to, I actually have a ton of money to spare. Didn't he think how I could pay for 4 rooms for my armor at Fairy Hills. I couldn't really crush his chance for providing for the both of us, so I let him believe we still need money.

After being knocked out by Mira when we returned. The ones next to tell of our engagement was the whole guild.
Surprisingly when the whole guild heard we were engaged. Everyone was surprised at how fast we got engaged only after 3 months of dating. That day Gray and I went home exhausted from answering all of our guild members questions.


I kept on listening to Erza planning on the wedding

Man. She's really into this wedding.

An explosion was heard from outside. Erza stopped talking.

"What was that?!" Erza said as the explosions kept on going

Everyone in the guild has gone outside to see what was going on

We heard people screaming and panicking from the edge of town. Smoke and mist was rising from far away

"Someone has some guts for attacking our town!!!! Especially the town with the strongest guild in it!!!!" Natsu shouted

"Nobody messes with Fairy Tail!!! Let's GOOO!!!" Laxus shouted as the whole guild followed Laxus' lead

Before Erza could catch up with the others on going to where the explosion was, I grabbed Erza's wrist

"Gray?! What's wrong!" Erza asked

"Nothing's wrong. We're going to go on ahead" I said as we teleported off to the source of the explosion

Erza and I found ourselves standing in the ruins of some buildings. And what stood before us was an army of demons.

"There's so many of them" Erza said as she requipped into her flight armor

"Let's start thinning the herd before everyone gets here" I said to Erza

Among the crowd of Demons walked out man all to familiar to me

"Long time No see. Gray" Deliora said

"DELIORA" I gritted my teeth

I felt my blood boiling as I saw him smirking at me.

I immediately teleported to him out of rage and aimed a punch at him.
He caught my punch and grabbed my throat with his other hand

"That cheap party trick won't work on me you know. After all I'm the one who taught you that trick" Deliora said as he continued to choke me

"Why.... are you even.... here?" I managed to say while choking

"I've been assigned to retrieve something"Deliora simply said

Erza appeared out of nowhere with sheer speed as she cut Deliora's arm to loosen his hold

I grabbed Erza's arm and teleported us to a safe distance

"Thanks" I thanked Erza as I rubbed my throat

"Don't let your emotions get the better of you!" Erza said as she smacked my head

"Ow! Noted" I rubbed my head

We heard our guild mates arrive and started fighting the demon army

"Looks like the cavalry is here" I said

"Remember. Your not in this fight alone. You have us" Erza said to me

"I know" I simply closed my eyes and smiled

The fight lasted for a long time. I'm not really sure but I think the sun and the moon has already risen and set twice already. We managed to drag the fight out of the town, to the forest, and onto the foot of the mountains to lessen the casualties. If only gramps was here. Things would have gone by much faster.
We were still putting up a good fight, but every time we vanquish a demon. It managed to resurrect itself right back up.
This fight was going nowhere. I see every one of our guild mates slowly succumb to fatigue. It didn't help me that Deliora kept freezing my guild mates, but I countered that by unfreezing them. The same pattern kept repeating itself , freezing and unfreezing. And now Erza was now engaged in fighting Deliora. I admit that Erza seemed more fit to defeat him rather than myself.

Deliora disarmed one of Erza's swords and was striking her with her own sword. She was caught off guard and stumbled to the ground.

As the sword was about to strike her down I teleported in front of her. And caught the blade with my hands

"Oh no you don't!" I said as I froze the sword and broke it.

"ICE DEVIL'S RAGE!" I chanted

The blast hit Deliora at point-blank range
Before the dust settled I teleported Erza to a nearby cave in the foot of the mountains, making sure no one picked up our  trace.

Erza passed out from exhaustion. I laid her down on the floor and peeked out of the cave entrance.

Things aren't looking good. Everybody is trying to catch their breath. We haven't made any progress in defeating the army. They just keep coming back.

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