Chapter 9: Conflicted

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We all agreed yesterday that we would all meet at the train station Erza arrived first, as punctual as ever, then Lucy, then me, then Wendy and Carla, then Natsu and Happy. We boarded the train due to Onibus Town. Thankfully Natsu was fine during the trip, all thanks to Wendy's Troia spell. When we got here, the town was as busy as it could get ,booths and rides were everywhere.

"Whoa! What's up with this place" Wendy said in astonishment

I was handed a flier by a person nearby the entrance of the train station.
"What are the chances of us coming here at this time" I said while showing the rest of the group the flier

The Flier said "60th Foundation Week of Onibus Town"

"Aaah! We should check out the booths" Lucy said in excitement
"We should go on the rides Carla" Wendy said
Natsu was already stuffing down a chicken leg down his throat in one of the booths
I just sighed ' They completely forgot why we're here' I tought
"You guys didn't forget why we're here in the first place!" Erza said threateningly
We all literally went into a single line when we heard her
"No Ma'am" The rest of us said in unison
" Maybe after the job is done, we'll indulge in ourselves leisure" she added

It took us a couple of minutes to get through the crowds of people that were swarming the town when we finally arrived at Scheherazade Theater

"Woah did this place get bigger?" Natsu said
"Did you forget that we destroyed the building last time we were here?" I said

We then saw a short man with purple hair and round ponytails was waiting for us by the entrance of the theater

"Welcome back Fairy Tail, Thank you very much, thank you very much" Rabian said while bowing repeatedly

"Don't thank us yet, so what's the job?" I said
"Oh no I must really thank you, after our last collaboration, many of the townspeople got inspired by your performance that they all wanted to get into the theatre scene. I also got a lot of sponsors up until now, not to mention I got back with my wife because of the success." Rabian said
"We're happy for you Rabian" Erza said with tears in her eye
'You really are soft-hearted Erza' I thought to myself


I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes
"So what play are we gonna take part in?" I asked
"Oh we'll be doing the play Frederick and Yanderica, but with a few revisions of course "Rabian said
"Agaaaain?!" We all said
"It's to commemorate your return after 7 years plus the whole town will be seeing the play" Rabian said gleefully
As Rabian snapped out, he noticed someone
"Well hello little girl and who might you be?" Rabian asked turning to Wendy
"This is Wendy and I'm Carla, we're with Fairy Tail" Carla interrupted before Wendy could speak
"Oh goody, we need all the help could get, thank you very much" Rabian said while bowing in front of Wendy

We then went inside the theater I noticed it is true this place was now huge with complete facilities and full of staff running around.

"Please get yourselves acquainted with everything and everyone, I will tell you your script later" Rabian said walking away.

I then turned to Gray
"Hey Gray, can we talk, privately?" I said
"Yeah sure" Gray said

*Flash back yesterday*
I went back home to Fairy Hills this night

One thought kept running through my mind the whole day

'What am I doing, why am I doing. Why am I in a relationship with Gray. I haven't shown my vulnerable side to anyone ever, and besides I wasn't myself last night I was sick last night, yes that must be it. Gray is my oldest friend, I can't afford to lose that friendship. I haven't liked anyone but Jellal, but... but why do I feel so conflicted.' Erza thought

*Flash back end*


I followed Erza outside of the theater
"So what's up Erza" I said
"Gray, I think we should nip our secret in the bud now...while it's still a secret" Erza said
"Why?" I said
"I was just caught up in the moment you know, and I was sick... I.I. didn't know what I was doing, and I didn't want you to keep talking about you wanting to be dead. And you know I like Jellal.... I hope you understand Gray" she said
"Yeah... I understand" I said
"I should go... I need to settle something with Natsu today" I lied
"You two better not cause trouble while we're here" She said
"Don't worry, it's not that kind of thing" I said walking away

I kept walking with a straight face, but I felt somewhat broken deep down.
Is this what it feels like, getting turned down. Why did I even think that I can have a relationship with her, of course Jellal will always be her priority, I'll always be a runner up to that guy.

"Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" I said while I kept banging my head against a wall
"Ok this is starting to hurt now, besides I'm on a job now, I need to focus... even if it's just a play" I said talking to myself.

When I got back Rabian was starting to give out the roles to the play

Natsu would be the dragon
Carla and Happy would be carrying Natsu in his costume since Happy can't carry Natsu very well while he was in costume
Lucy would be Princess Yanderica
Wendy would be one of Princess Yanderica's Maidens
The last to get some roles was me and Erza
"For the roles of Julius and Fredrick I'll be switching the casting from the last time" Rabian said
"Gray, you'll be Frederick, I think you're more suited for that role" Rabian said
"And Erza you'll be Julius" he added
"All of you should get your hair fixed as early as possible, good luck"
Rabian then left us
"I got the hair fixing, Open the gate of the crab: Cancer!" Lucy said
"You called, shrimp?" Cancer said
"We need a hair make over ASAP"

And so I was the one to go last for the hair fixing, I still don't understand why Natsu had to go too, he was inside a costume after all.

"I'll leave it up to you then" I said to the celestial spirit
After a few minutes I dozed off
"Done!" Cancer said
I Woke up startled, I rubbed my eyes to a shock what I saw in the mirror
"Aaah! Why is my hair blue!!!" I said

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