Chapter 6: What took You so Long

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I sneaked out of Fairy Hills by 11p.m. to meet Gray at the place.
When I arrived by the top hill there was someone already there. I could see someone standing by the tree near the riverbank at the bottom of the hill. I could only make out a silhouette made by the moonlight along with the glimmering of the river.

"Gray?"I asked
"What took you so long, and here I thought you ditched me" Gray said
"Even though I was the one who asked you to come here" I replied
"Oh yeah thanks for the advice back then... you know...about Juvia" Gray said
"You told her you didn't love her didn't you?" I asked
"Wow! News spreads around pretty quick" He said
"Uh, not exactly. You see... it rained earlier, but it didn't it didn't feel like normal rain drops it felt like tears. Anyway what happened?" I asked
"She took it somewhat well, we were both a mess, we talked... were still friends, oh yeah I'm also setting her up on a date, I won't go anymore into detail" He said

"Oh? Since when did you play match-maker Gray Fullbuster?" I said
"Hey! I can set up dates" he protested
I snickered

"Well as long as were on this topic. How are things between you and Jellal?" Gray asked


"Well the last thing anything happened between me and Jellal was before the GMG when you were all unlocking your second origin, I talked with Jellal alone" Erza said

"Then what happened?" I asked
"Well I kissed him"Erza said
It felt a light punch to my gut when she said that

"But he pushed me away and said he was engaged... I knew he was lying, because I sensed he felt the need to atone for his sins, and that he doesn't deserve happiness... I swear Jellal always somehow finds a way to unintentionally hurt me, but nevertheless I respected his wishes"Erza said nearly crying

I grabbed Erza and I hugged her

"Gray?" said Erza
"Shhh, I understand you" I said
Erza hugged back
"It sucks huh?" I said
"Yeah it sucks" she said

We let go of each other.

"Gray?"she said
"What?"I said

"Why were you crying when we left Crocus?"she said
"Oh you saw me huh" I said

I tried to think how I'm going to tell her, and after a few minutes I spoke
"Did you experience any kind of déjà vu back in Crocus-"I said
"-When we were fighting the dragons, it was like for a minute."Erza finished
"I think Ultear did that, and the reason I cried when we were going home... it's because I saw Ultear" I said
"Why didn't you say anything. You know Jellal and Meredy are looking for her" She said
"Whatever she did to rewind time... also took away time from her"I said
"I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for that 1 minute, but I wish I could give it back, to give Ultears time back" I said
My eyes started to water on cue of the things I'm saying
"What happened in that 1 minute Gray?" Erza hesitantly asked
"We were ambushed by the mother dragons hatchlings, Juvia was targeted by one of them... I pushed her aside, then I got hit several times, I was still good by then...when the last one went through my head" I said as I recalled it as my body trembled

"I lost Ur and Ultear, I lost both Mother and Daughter... I should be dead" I said as tears fell from my eyes


I held back my tears as long as I could, but when Gray started crying. I just hugged him. I started crying myself.
"E-Erza" Gray said in shock

"Just shut up Gray!" I said as I cried
Why is he saying those things. I don't know
Gray hugged me back

"Stop saying those things... I just can't imagine a world without you, and the fact that you already died once... is just unbearable"I said

"Ur and Ultears decisions isn't your burden to carry, and you...promised us you wouldn't just sacrifice yourself willingly *I thought back when Gray almost used Iced Shell at Galuna island*" I said as I pounded on Gray's chest
"Don't you dare leave me Gray Fullbuster, promise me that" I said

"You're not going to get rid of me that easily"Gray managed to say with a smile
"You idiot" I replied
"Who you calli-"Gray said

Before he finished his sentence
I kissed Gray... and he kissed me back.

When we both pulled back
"You're the idiot... why did you come here, when you're sick" Said Gray

I just leaned against him and fell asleep.

"Erza? Erza?"

I heard my name as I drifted off to sleep

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