Chapter 13: Everlasting Rose

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*After 3 Days of travelling*

It's been only a year since I visited this place, well technically I haven't visited this place for 7 years, after the events on Tenrou island.

The fact that I'm still seeing the ruins here always reminded me of my sadness, my nightmare, my guilt. The demon that rampaged and trampled peoples lives, and left only destruction in its wake. The one that destroyed my town, Isvan. The one that killed my parents. The one that killed my old friends. The one that killed my Master Ur. "Deliora"

Even up to till this day it haunts my dreams even though I've seen it with my very own eyes that very essence of that demon has been erased in this world. I still remember that day, every exact detail.

I opened my eyes to see a makeshift grave made of scraps of wood, it was mostly covered in snow after 7 years. The grave read

'Here Lies Mika Fullbuster & Silver Fullbuster'

I focussed my mind to the extreme for everytime I came to this grave.
I put my hands together, I close my eyes as tears fell from them, as I thought of every memory of my parents. I produced from my hands a single ice rose. I then laid it to the ground alongside several ice roses, a rose for every single time that I was here. This is my most delicate ice-make creation.
The Everlasting Rose.

"Mom how are you? I'm doing fine. I try to live my life as best as I can like you said me too. Don't worry about me being a picky eater. I eat everything that's good for me. I always eat my vegetables" I said

"I didn't forget you Dad. I'm not as much the man you wanted me to be, but I'm working on it. And don't worry about me spending things on unnecessary things. I always save my extra money for rainy days. I haven't been dating a ton of girls. You told me to find a girl that challenges me, the one that makes me smile when I see her smile. The one that I swear to care for when she cries..." I said

"I really do still miss you guys. I wish you were alive to see all of my friends... no... my family in Fairy Tail." I said

I then stood up and wiped the tears welling up in my eyes.

I then walked away from the grave.
I kept walking
I kept walking
I kept walking
I then caught something from the corner of my eye.

Another grave much like my parents. It was surrounded by 11 purplish ice roses.

I picked one up to inspect it closer.
It was shattered on the inside, but beautiful on the outside.

"You better put that back kid" said someone behind me

I turned around to see a man who was clad in armor. On his right chest plate the words written were 'Absolute Zero'. His face bore a huge scar on left side of his forehead.

This face. This voice. Both screaming familiarity and enigma in my mind.

"Who are you?" I asked

The man gave me a smirk that I was somehow familiar with.

"To think you'd forget about your old man, Gray" The man said

The moment he said 'your old man' and my name. I stood shocked of the realization.

"F-father!?!" I said as tears ran down to my cheeks

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