Chapter 55: "Wedding"

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Have you ever played house when you where a kid? Or at least pretend to be a bride?

Years down the road when you're finally there... living the moment, it truly is a magical moment

But before that. Recap.

It has been a completely hectic last few months leading up to the wedding. And in annoyance, Tartaros had to attack.
Of course they would think twice of ruining MY WEDDING! Luckily we had a devil slayer on our side. The dragons emerged, but unfortunately we lost a Igneel at the hands of Acnologia. And Lucy had to sacrifice Aquarius' key.
The guild nearly blew up because of a lachrima bomb. But the crisis was averted.
I was named as the 7th Guild Master of Fairy Tail. Gray managed to get promoted to S-class alongside Cana.
Master Makarov left for a journey leaving a few loose details on why he left.

That's about it.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled...

"Nervous, Master Erza?" Mira said

"Not even the slightest. And I told you drop the 'Master'" I replied

"Don't you think it's rude if I don't call the Guild Master that way, you know." Mira said

"It's fine, you're my maid of honor after all" I said

A small magic circle appeared beside Mira's ear.

"Everything's already set up. Are you ready for this June Bride?" Mira asked

"I've never been more ready my whole life..." I said confidently

*JUNE 21, X792*


"Hey, how do I look?" I asked Cana

"You look fine, don't worry about it" Cana said as she fixed my bow tie

"Thanks by the way, for being my Grooms maid?" I was confused by the term

"Is that even the right term for the female best friend of the groom?" Cana asked

"Well Best Woman was off. Because Erza didn't like me calling you that" I said

"I'm fine with best friend of the groom, thank you very much." She said as she patted my back.

"But still I didn't expect that I'd be in this position in your wedding" Cana said

"What do you mean by that?" I asked

"Well, Sometime ago I figured, in your wedding... I would be the one walking down the aisle" Cana said

"I thought we already talked about this..." I was a bit taken back

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'm over you, now But sometimes I can't help but think what could have been." Cana said

"It may be the best idea to ask you to be my best man at my wedding" I said regretfully

"No. It's alright What kind of best friend would I be, if I weren't there for you" Cana assured me

I was unease at the moment. Most of the people at my wedding looked at where I was standing. Friends and family from different places have come. Erza's guest list was colorful though. From her friend from her tower of heaven days, pirates, to the guys at Mermaid's heel and many more she met before during her quests. While mine was the guys from Lamia Scale, the demons from Galuna island, and some old friends that I met before I joined Fairy Tail.

As of now all eyes were on me

I trembled from their gazes. My body wants to get out of this situation. Is this wedding jitters? I don't know

"Hey, Just calm down. You're practically shaking. Just think about Erza." Cana assured me

That managed to calm me down a bit.

I haven't seen Erza all day yesterday. I'm a bit on edge right now. Why did she have to organize the wedding alongside Mira. Even though its just a day. I miss her already. I'm sounding a bit needy right now. I need my fix of Erza.

These thoughts racing in my mind, made me nervous as hell.

I snapped out of it when the doors of the church swung open.

And as if time slowed down... I see her

Everything from my perception seemed to be drained of colour.

All I see is her... All I see is Erza.

Her white wedding dress a bit frilly, but sleek on the top.

Her arms in white sleeves as she held a bouquet in her hands.

Her red her flowed on to her back stood out the most. Her face I could see through her thin veil. I could never get tired of her features. From her fair white skin, to her pink lips, from her big brown eyes, the few strands of hair that naturally parted to her right... as she got near to the altar, her gaze met mine. Her lips curved into a gentle smile as she looked at me, her cheeks turned rosy.

She's so beautiful... That girl... that girl that smiled at me 7 years ago. I've been waiting for her. I can't believe I got her... I've fallen in love with her all over again.


Everything went in slow motion... everyone attention was looking at me. I felt a bit nervous, as if I were in a play I froze, considering I have crippling stage fright, I steeled myself to move forward. I was stressed at the number of eyes in me.

But I relaxed when I saw him. My groom stood by the altar. I felt my stress go away at sight of him.

All I see is him... All I see is Gray.

The way that he looked at me was something out of a fairy tale. As if the prince met his princess. He was dressed up in an all white suit. A boutonnière on his lapel. His hair the way it always been, messy, and barely covered the scar on his forehead.

From his gray droopy eyes, his fair light skin, to his soft but spiky raven hair, his lips that kiss me everyday. Everything about him, I've come to love as I woke everyday beside him. And I look forward to the rest of my life waking up beside him.

As I drew nearer to the altar. Our gazes met. Everything in the world seemed non-existent... it was just the two of us. Nothing else mattered, but us. He looked at me proudly, but at the same time his eyes watery. He took his handkerchief and dabbed his tears. I'm a bit glad that he cried a little bit. It's like a I can't believe this is happening moment.

Honestly I wanted to cry also, but I don't want my make up running down my face.

Gray stepped down to reach my hand

"Will you marry me?" Gray asked as I held his hand

"Yes. That's your third proposal by the way" I chuckled

"And I'm going to keep asking" He chuckled back

"Keep asking away. My answer won't change" I giggled

We stepped forward to the altar

"This is the last time I'm going to say this..." Gray whispered

"I love you, Erza Scarlet" He whispered

"I love you too, Gray Fullbuster" I whispered back

He was right... this was the last time he said 'I love you' to 'Erza Scarlet'

We were in front of the priest as we got ready to say our eternal vows.

But Gray and I met at midnight last night. We have already said our true vows to each other. The vows that were only meant for our ears.

The vows we're saying in front of everyone were already prepared. But our 'true vows' That's​ just between Erza and Gray.

And there's only one thing left to do...

When will I tell him? 👶🍼

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