Chapter 20: Back at Tenrou Island

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A day later

"Wake up sleepy head" Mavis said poking me on my face

"Five more minutes Master Mavis" I said sleepily

A giant creature then roared me awake, I then went up behind Mavis out of fear

"That's the spirit" Mavis said with a smile as she waved of the creature

The creature disappeared. That was an illusion

After the frightening awakening we went hiking to who knows where at Tenrou island

During the hike I tried recalling as to how we even got here on this island, but to know avail
My thoughts were stopped when I hit face first into a tree

Ow. I really do have to stop thinking when I'm doing something

I heard Mavis give out a giggle, because of my misery
Mavis then stopped and looked at the tree that I hit

"Good job Gray you found it" Mavis cheered

I looked around the tree to see what 'it' was

I saw formulas on explaining how to use magic burned into the tree

Was this pre-planned?

"Master Mavis what now?" I asked

"Can you drop the formalities Gray, I'm no really use being called Master. Just call me Mavis" Mavis said with glee

"Uh..." She snapped out of her glee

"First thing you must learn is the basics" Mavis said

"Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Did you get all that" Mavis said

I nodded

"Second It takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use Magic. Are you still with me?" Mavis asked

"And lastly, this is the most important part, ones strength of feelings places an important part in Magic. That's all there is to it, any questions" Mavis finished

"What kind of feelings exactly?" I asked

"Well it can be any feelings hate, love, happiness, sadness. It really may vary for each person" Mavis

"How about you Mavis what feelings power your magic?" I ask

"Since you asked nicely, I'll tell you a brief story. At first it was love for my friend Zera, she was like a sister to me, but when the time she ceased to exist, my magic seemed to disappear. But the time came when I started Fairy Tail with Warrod, Precht, and Yuri. My feelings for my family, my guild became the source of my power. And that power continues to grow to this day along with your generation." Mavis told me

"Wow you've really lead a wonderful life Mavis. I didn't really think that feelings powered my magic" I said

"You just haven't realized it yet. Think of something or someone you have a strong feeling for, maybe you'll know it soon enough" Mavis said


"Now let's get technical" Mavis said

"To make use of Magic, a Mage must use Magic Power in their body. Magic Power is the source of Power for all Mages, it is composed of Ethernano. Every Mage has a container inside their body that determines the limits of their Magic Power. In the case that it becomes empty, Ethernano comes from the atmosphere and enters the Mages' body and, after a while, their Magic Power is returned to normal" Mavis said

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