Chapter 48: Back to Normal

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"You know you seem to have a different air about you. Erza" Mira said as she cleaned a mug

"How so?" I asked

"You seem a bit more relaxed and mature" She said

"Really? I don't feel any different" I said

"Oooh, I know what it is." Bisca cut-in

"Wendy told me that you smelled a bit like Gray. Just like Alzack and I." Bisca said

Mira's eyes lit up.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You" She stuttered

"-Had sex, didn't know he had the balls to do it" Cana finished

"Actually, I came unto him." I said

"Oh and Cana we need to have a little chat about Gray's first kiss" I said

She spat out her drink

"He told you, huh? Is that all you know" Cana wiped her mouth

"I. Know. Everything." I said

"What's she talking about?" Bisca asked

"Oh. Cana and Gray almost hooked up once" Mira said

Cana and I shut up Mira.

"Oh my" Bisca was shocked

"Welcome to the adult world, Erza. I thought I would be alone forever" Bisca hooked her arm on my shoulders

"Please don't say those words. Wait... you two" I pointed at Mira and Cana

"Yeppers, their still virgins" Bisca said

"I may be a former pinup girl, but I have standards, unlike drunk girl over here" Mira said

"Ain't no man's gonna drink me under the table" Cana said as she took a swig of wine

"Didn't Bacchus outdrink you?" I asked

"He would probably be too drunk to get it up" Cana laughed

"Speaking of 'it'" Bisca changed the topic

"What kind of gun does he have?" Bisca asked

"I think... he has a magnum" I said

"Oh. That's good. I bet its messy though" Bisca commented

"You don't know the half of it" I drank some juice

"You done any kinky stuff yet?" Bisca asked

"What?! Do you?" I was baffled

"No. Alzack and I prefer vanilla. You and Gray though are the sort of couple that are into kinky stuff" Bisca said

"Are we kinky? I seem to have a thing for his taste and smell though. Is that a fetish? Although Gray did keep licking my armpit. He also couldn't get his finger off of my butthole. Oh God... Maybe we are kinky!" I thought

"Nah. I don't think we're into kinky stuff" I lied

"Speak of the devil." Mira said

"Hey Mira can I get a chocolate milkshake, please" Gray leaned on the bar counter

"Coming right up" Mira said

"How you doing?" Gray wrapped his arm on my waist

"I'm doing great. Now that you're here" We nuzzled our noses together

"Aren't you two cute" Bisca said

"Too Lovey Dovey if you ask me" Cana said

I ignored Cana

I was now conscious of Cana now. Ever since I found out that Gray almost did it with Cana. I took every opportunity to show that Gray was mine.

"One chocolate milkshake" Mira

Gray took a straw and took a sip.

I took the milkshake and took a sip also.

"Hey! That's mine!" He seemed pissed

"It'll taste better if you share it" I took another sip

"You could have just ordered your own, not that I don't mind. Or at least get another straw." He said

"Oh. Are you afraid of a little indirect kissing?" I took another sip

"No! Would you at least leave some for me" He took a sip as it was almost empty

"Hey Mira, can I have another one. Someone drank mine" He looked at me with a raised brow


Author: Is a 500 word chapter short or enough? I've been averaging 1000+ words from the last 20 or 30 chapters.

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