Chapter 30: Edolas Part 2

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Gray asked to go to the Fairy Tail guild for our sight seeing

Knightwalker called for a carriage and saw us off in front of the castle
I was silent for the whole carriage ride. As the remaining thoughts of Jellal lingered my mind
Gray didn't seem to talk either. I saw him looking outside the carriage, seemingly in thought.

We arrived at the Fairy Tail guild.
We went inside to see it wasn't very much diffrent from our guild back home everyone from our guild

Every individual from this guild in away was different from our own. But as aguil was pretty much the same.

I see that this place is also rowdy like our guild

Everybody in the guild went silent and suddenly bowed down to me.

"You're majesty" The whole guild said

"Well if it isn't Queen Knightwalker coming here to grace us with her presence" E!Lucy stood up

"Lucy! Show some respect!" E!Natsu said

"Grow a pair! And make me!" E!Lucy said to E! Natsu

"Ah! That won't be necessary. I'm not actually Knightwalker. I'm her counterpart from Earthland" I assured everybody

Everyone hearing what I just said, returned to normal

"Oi! Earthland Knightwalker. How's the other me doing?" E!Lucy rudely asked

"Ah... She's doing fine" I replied

Hearing that she abruptly left without saying another word as if nothing happened

"Hey Gray! Ol' buddy. You came back early. I've been also looking after them like you asked" E!Natsu draped his arm around Gray

"I think you got the wrong guy. Them?" Gray had a confused look

Suddenly two children tackled Gray to the ground

"We missed you DADDY!!!" The two kids yelled

"You gotta see what Uncle Natsu invented!!" Said the black haired boy pulling at Gray's arm

"No! Daddy you promised we would have a tea party with Aunt Cana!" Said the blue haired girl pulling at Gray's other arm

"Ethan! Sophia! That's enough! Let Daddy take a rest. He's probably tired from work today" E! Juvia shouted

"Awwww" The children said in disappointment

"Don't be like that. C'mon Uncle Natsu's gonna take you for a ride in my new car" E! Natsu said

"Yaaaaay!" The children cheered

"Be careful!" Juvia doted

This Juvia looked like our Juvia, but the difference being that she had a big belly

"I'm so glad you're back early Hun" Juvia said a she pecked Gray's cheek

"Maybe you could help me with the kids when we get home. Or we can set up the nursery" Juvia said

I instinctively pulled Gray to my side because I was getting scared.

The Guild door behind us opened and then appeared the Edolas Gray

"I'm back?" E!Gray looked confused looking at Gray

E!Juvia and E!Gray were looking at each other or at Gray.

"Uh I'm actually not Gray. I mean I am Gray. But not your Gray" Gray admitted while thinking hard

The children came back

"Whaaaaat! We have two Daddies!!!" The two children screamed

The two children each hugged a Gray

The look of confusion was now between E!Juvia, E!Gray and Gray

We heard E!Natsu's car was heard roaring outside

"Ethan! Sophia! Let's go! We'll go get some Ice cream" E!Natsu shouted outside

"OOOOH!Daddies! Can we!? Can we?! Can we?!"The children asked the two Grays

"Don't eat too much before dinner" E!Gray acted fatherly

"Sure?" Gray said

"YAAAAAY!!! You're the best Daddies in the world!" The children said running off outside

We heard the car go off away from the guild.

E!Juvia,E!Gray and Gray still had the look of confusion on their faces

"Uhhh maybe we should all go get some fresh air" I suggested to the three of them

We went out of the guild, Good thing noone noticed the confusing event that just happened

"I see you got rid of the layer of clothes" Gray broke the silence

"Yeah it really wasn't helping with my work. Plus It was really hot and sweat a lot" E!Gray said

"Since when did you two got together?" I finally spoke up

"Well this guy here was really obsessed over me back then. But I noticed how much he cared for me. I decided to let him in my life. I eventually fell for him. We got married. And had kids. That's pretty much it" Juvia casually said

"You make it sound romantic Dear" E!Gray sarcastically said looking disappointed

"Oh don't be like that. You know I Love You, right Hun?" E!Juvia rubbed her nose with E!Gray's nose and kissed him

It really hurts to see Gray kissing Juvia

This is what Gray's future would look like if we didn't end up together
They look really happy together... they even have children of their own to love
I can't help but think I took away Gray's possible future by being with me

I gritted my teeth at these kind of thoughts coming to my head. Trying very hard to stop my tears from flowing

"I'm happy for you two... I hope you two have a long beautiful life together... with your children and future children" I said to E!Gray and E!Juvia

"Thank you" The two of them thanked me and E!Gray put his hand over E!Juvia's big belly

I just walked back to the carriage waiting for us to go back to the castle

When I was inside the carriage I began to cry.

I took away your future Gray

Gray followed and went inside the carriage and sat beside me.

He grabbed my head to lean on his shoulder and he leaned his head by my head.

"I told you... you didn't... have to cry alone" Gray choked as he cried himself not looking directly at me

We spent the rest of the ride silently crying together not saying a word.

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