Chapter 7:Are We a thing now?

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I carried Erza to my apartment since I can't go to Fairy Hills after 9 p.m.

I gave her my bed, covered her in blankets and put a wet towel on her forehead.
While I just slept on the floor beside the bed.

I really couldn't sleep this night to be honest
I kept thinking about the kiss, I kept thinking if its real or not, its not like I didn't like the kissing her, but maybe she just got caught in the moment, she was too sick to even think straight, oh god please tell me there's nothing changed between us.

*The next morning*


"Ugh... my head" I said
I kept looking around in the room I'm in...
Gray, I'm in Gray's room
I'm trying to recall what happened last night
.... then it hit me, I kissed Gray last night.
I felt my face burning, for the first several minutes the kiss kept on replaying in my head. My stomach grumbled when I smelled something downstairs. I went downstairs to peeked and saw Gray cooking pancakes.
"I know you're there Erza, eat some breakfast, I made strawberry pancakes" Gray said
I got startled when he called me, how did he know I was watching.

There's been a an awkward silence when we ate.

"So you feeling any better?" Gray said breaking the silence
"Yeah, I'm ok now" I said

More silence followed

"Do you remember anything last night?"
we both said at the same time, we were both flustered
"Gray, Did we-" I said
"-kiss?" he said
"Yeah" he added

Then the morning Church bell rang.

"We should get going"I said
"So are we... a thing now?" Gray said
"I don't know, this is my first relationship"
I said
"We're in the same boat"He responded
"You mean ship?"I said
"Relation-ship"Gray said
We chuckeled
Before we got out
"One more for the road?" Gray asked
I knew what he meant
We kissed again, this being entirely different from last night.
I opened my eyes slightly to see him... I then decided to tease him.
"Gray, aren't we moving a bit too fast" I said seductively
"What do you mean?" Gray said in confusion
Gray took a second to realize that he stripped again.
"This isn't what it looks like" Gray said

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