Chapter 21: Skirmish

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Gray and I headed back to the shore, by the time we arrived Lucy has already finished cooking our dinner.
We ate the stew Lucy made for us. Surprisingly it was beyond what I was expecting considering the limited number of ingredients.

After We all ate

"Fuwahhh Alright I need to work off that meal, you up for a fight Ice Princess?" Natsu said

"You just ate you idiot and now you want to fight" Gray said

"Well now don't tell me you've gone soft over three months" Natsu said

"Any time slanty eyes" Gray replied

I walked up to the two and bashed their heads together.

"Enough fighting you two!" I commanded them

"Hai!" They both squeeked

"Ahhh It's just like the good old days" Lucy smiled

"You're right Lucy-san" Wendy smiled

"The only thing missing now is for Happy to say 'Aye!'" Gray imitated Happy

At least he has his sense of humor back

"Aye!" Happy said with a mouth full of fish

Where did you even get a fish?!

"Don't talk when your mouth is full" Carla scolded Happy

We all laughed as we re-enacted to the things we used to do

"You know what Natsu may be on to something right" Mavis suddenly spoke

"Woo hoo I'm right... What am I right about?" Natsu said

"Since were all rested and fed. I think it's a good time to see the fruits of your labor Gray-san" Mavis said with a smile

Rested? Fed? We were all Fed and rested, but Gray wasn't looking Rested.

I looked at Gray and I was confused as to why he had a straight face

"Oi Mavis, you sure about this?" Gray said

"GRAY! Don't just refer to Master First so Casually" I scolded him

"Don't get mad at me, she's the one who requested it" Gray said pointing at Mavis

We all looked at Mavis for an answer

"Eh- Anyway... Mr.Pink Hair, Ms. Blonde Hair, Ms. Red Hair, Ms. Blue Hair, Mr. Blue Cat, Ms. White Cat... Attack Mr.Raven Hair!" Mavis panicked from the attention

At least remember our names Master Mavis.

"FIRE DRAGONS ROAR!" Natsu chanted

"SKY DRAGONS ROAR!" Wendy chanted

It seems those two can't wait to get started

The two attacks combined and turned into a great big fire ball

"ICE DEVILS RAGE!" Gray responded

Gray's attack engulfed the combined attacks and continued on. The beam was leaning towards Wendy when Natsu pushed her away.

Natsu was pushed back to the water and skipped like a rock a few miles towards the see

"I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT!!!!" Natsu shouted from far away

"I'LL BE HERE WHEN YOU GET BACK!!!" Gray shouted back

"Open Gate of the Scorpion: Scorpio. Open Gate of the Water Bearer: Aquarius. Open Gate of the Giant Crab: Cancer" Lucy chanted

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