Chapter 36: Closure Part 1

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2 Days have passed since we arrived at the snowy mountains. We are currently living under Ur's house.

Gray and I went to the nearest town to buy some food... well food for me anyway. Gray can't really eat anything hot, he mostly lives off ice cream now.

"Hmmmm. I wonder what I should have for dinner? Chocolate? Vanilla? Strawberry? Rocky Road? Cookies n' Cream?" Gray sarcastically said

"When you say it out loud you make it sound unhealthy" I said

"I don't really have much a choice. I still need to eat but I can't eat anything hot" He said

"Well, you could wait for the food to get cold" I suggested

"Nah, the food won't be good anymore" He dismissed the idea

"I think I'll go with strawberry tonight" He said

"Yes. Yes. You should definitely get strawberry" I nod my head in excitement

"I'm not going to give you my ice cream" He said with a raised brow

I whimpered at Gray and started the water works a little.

"..." Gray looked at me with a raised brow

I intensified my whimpering and stared at him with watery eyes

"Don't look at me like that... That's not gonna work" He closed his eyes to avoid seeing me

I continued to whimper and rubbed my head against his shoulder

Gray opened his eye a little to take a peek

"Alright fine" He gave in

"Yay!" I shouted in triumph

He bought a big bucket of strawberry ice cream

"Here. You carry it" He said handing the plastic bag to me

"You shouldn't make a lady carry things" I said

"Lady? A dog was just whimpering a second ago. Besides your going to eat it too" He said

"Fine.And I'm not a dog!" I protested and took the the bag

"There there. Good dog" He teased as he patted my head

"You want me to bite your hand?" I threatened him

"If you do that then you've just prove that you're a dog" He teased back

Before I could even reply someone caught Gray's attention and went after the person.

"Gray where are you going? We're not finished yet" I yelled as I ran after him

I followed him in an alley to see that he was now surrounded by three hooded figures

I requipped a sword

"Step away from him or else" I threatened the hooded figures

"Erza... It's ok... We know them" Gray said to me

"You know this guy Erza" One of the hooded figures was Meredy

The other two removed their hoods. Under the hoods were Jellal and Ultear

"Ul?!"Gray said in shock

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" Ultear asked

"He's Gray" I cut in

"Huh?" Ultear leaned closer to Gray to look

My instincts fired off.

"That's close enough" I cut between Gray and Ultear

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